La Rse Dans Les Pme Camerounaises: Etude Exploratoire A Partir Des Schemes cognitifs des proprietaires-dirigeants


  • Tchatchoua Thierry


SMEs, CSR, owner-managers, cognitive schemes


This study is interested in the owner-manager of the SME and particularly in the analysis of his cognitive schemes concerning CSR. Using cognitive mapping as a technique for representing and analysing cognitive patterns, the results of this study reveal that human resources, consumers and to a lesser extent the community are the stakeholders whose well-being is of concern to SME#x2019;s owners manager. However, their motivations for implementing CSR are not the same. For some, CSR is a lever for achieving strategic objectives, while for others it is an objective in itself, and not a means for achieving other ends.

How to Cite

Tchatchoua Thierry. (2018). La Rse Dans Les Pme Camerounaises: Etude Exploratoire A Partir Des Schemes cognitifs des proprietaires-dirigeants. Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 18(B3), 17–28. Retrieved from

La Rse Dans Les Pme Camerounaises: Etude Exploratoire A Partir Des Schemes cognitifs des proprietaires-dirigeants

