Conceptualizing Loyalty in the South African Mobile Telecommunications Industry


  • Krishna K Govender


oyalty, namely, customer satisfaction, brand image, perceived quality and perceived value


This paper explores the concept of loyaltyin the context of the South African telecommunications industry. From a theoretical investigation, it became apparent that several variables were associated with loyalty, namely, customer satisfaction, brand image, perceived quality and perceived value. Based on the theoretical arguments, a conceptual model is being proposed which depicts proposed associations between and among the aforementioned variables. As a follow up, the model should be assessed using inferential statistical techniques to analyse the data from a representative sample of customers.

How to Cite

Krishna K Govender. (2016). Conceptualizing Loyalty in the South African Mobile Telecommunications Industry. Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 16(E6), 1–6. Retrieved from

Conceptualizing Loyalty in the South African Mobile Telecommunications Industry

