Determinants of Purchasing Non Local Fast Moving Consumer Goods in Bangladesh: Evidence from Khulna City


  • Kajol Karmoke


FMCGS, MNCS, perceived quality, good image, availability and khulna city


This study has put a great stride to identify the factors that derive the Khulna city customers to purchase some selective FMCGs (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) of Multinational companies (MNCs). Data were collected from 200 FMCG consumers of Khulna city using structured questionnaire developed based on the previous studies. Factor analysis was applied and the analysis showed that the 25 variables loaded on eight factors titled as Perceived quality, reliability

How to Cite

Kajol Karmoke. (2016). Determinants of Purchasing Non Local Fast Moving Consumer Goods in Bangladesh: Evidence from Khulna City. Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 16(E5), 33–39. Retrieved from

Determinants of Purchasing Non Local Fast Moving Consumer Goods in Bangladesh: Evidence from Khulna City

