Organisation Development (OD), Credit Administration and Recovery: A Mechanism for Business Growth


  • Dr. Orok B. Arrey


Organisation's development co-opts diverse human resources for the accomplishment of a common goal, while considering the dynamic nature of the enviro


Organisation's development co-opts diverse human resources for the accomplishment of a common goal, while considering the dynamic nature of the environment through long term planning. However, this alone, without the proper mix of capital funding cannot work. Finance is the life wire of any organisation, therefore it becomes necessary for the way and manner sourced funds are being administered. This paper examines the way the human resource is utilize, the proper way credit should be given and recovered for the growth and development of any business. It went further to ascertain the impact non recoverable credit has on our economy, particularly from the distressed banks perspective. Three recommendations were proffered, one of which is proper and constant training and evaluation of credit managers.

How to Cite

Dr. Orok B. Arrey. (2015). Organisation Development (OD), Credit Administration and Recovery: A Mechanism for Business Growth. Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 15(A8), 27–31. Retrieved from

Organisation Development (OD), Credit Administration  and Recovery: A Mechanism for Business Growth

