Creative Advertising; What is it and can it Create Positive Brand Images and Purchasing Possibilities?


  • Gan Foon Yoong

  • Rashad Yazdanifard


creative advertising, purchasing power, originality, limitation


This paper studies the meaning of creative advertising and can it create positive brand images and purchasing possibility. It discusses about how an advertisement qualifies as creative according to past researches, the elements involved in the qualifications, how it works and if it works. This paper also looked into the barriers of creative advertising which involves consumers#x2019; persuasion knowledge and the limitation of advertisements. This paper studied through various journal articles. Findings show that among the qualifications in past researches, originality would be the main aspect in creativity although the other three elements discussed; attractiveness, persuasion and strategy are equally important in an advertisement. Past researches showed that advertisements have limits, whether creative or not due to consumers#x2019; own chain of thoughts and knowledge. Although it is limited, advertisers still have a higher chance to boost up their purchasing possibility by creating a positive brand image through creative advertisements.

How to Cite

Gan Foon Yoong, & Rashad Yazdanifard. (2014). Creative Advertising; What is it and can it Create Positive Brand Images and Purchasing Possibilities?. Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 14(E4), 19–24. Retrieved from

Creative Advertising; What is it and can it Create Positive Brand Images and Purchasing Possibilities?

