A Study on Customer Preference and Satisfaction towards Restaurant in Dehradun City


  • Dr. Neha Joshi


ingredients, tremendous, dramatically, superiority, revenues


India is in the midst of the restaurant revolution. The revenues hotel and restaurant industry in yr.2006-2007 increase of nearly 22 %...The eating habits of people are changing; the style of cooking and the ingredients used increased the popularity of Indian food all throughout....... Indian food had experienced a tremendous change, people started following cooking style and adopted eating habit according to their religion. At present Indian food is recognized all over the country...service quality is an attitude or global judgment about the superiority of a service, industries must achieve a quality service the exceed customer, expectation .service quality determine an organization success or failure, the satisfaction is a function of consumer, experience and reaction to provide behavior during the service encounter. The level of satisfaction may be influence by various attitudes from internal, external factor. The demand for food away from home is dramatically increasing. According to the 2003/04 Indian Household Economic Survey, the average weekly household expenditure on meals away from home increased from $13.80 in 2000/01 to $19.20 in 2003/04 (Ministry of Health, 2006). The growth of demand for food has prompted an expansion of the Indian foodservice industry. The national foodservice industry annual sales rose from $3,176 million in 2002 to $4,800 million in 2007- a nominal Growth of 51 percent.

How to Cite

Dr. Neha Joshi. (2012). A Study on Customer Preference and Satisfaction towards Restaurant in Dehradun City. Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 12(21), 39–45. Retrieved from https://journalofbusiness.org/index.php/GJMBR/article/view/871

A Study on Customer Preference and Satisfaction towards Restaurant in Dehradun City

