Business Ethics, Coding, Compliance and Practices: Examining Findings of Old Secondary Data Analysis and Comparing Them with Current Trends


  • Dr. Magdy M. Hussein

  • Dr. Patricia Wiggin

  • Jenny Zhou



Abstract- This study examines the research#x2019;s findings done by Value-Based, which is a management portal specifically aimed to provide the information needed by senior executives who are interested in value creation, managing for value, and valuation. This study focuses on tracing whether business ethics coding, compliance, and practices have been adequate over the past decade. It also elaborates on the impact of financial dilemmas during the beginning of the new millennium in the United States until this current time. It monitors the efforts spent by different levels of management to comply with existing codes of ethics to prevent any business misconduct in their organizations.

How to Cite

Dr. Magdy M. Hussein, Dr. Patricia Wiggin, & Jenny Zhou. (2020). Business Ethics, Coding, Compliance and Practices: Examining Findings of Old Secondary Data Analysis and Comparing Them with Current Trends. Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 20(A10), 1–7. Retrieved from

Business Ethics, Coding, Compliance and Practices: Examining Findings of Old Secondary Data Analysis and Comparing Them with Current Trends

