Smart Agri-Preneurship Dimensions and Food Affordability


  • Omodanisi, E. O.

  • Egwakhe

  • A. J.

  • Ajike

  • O. E.


farm yield, food affordability, food sustainability, smart agri-preneurship


This research sought to investigate the effect of smart Agri-preneurship dimensions on food affordability in South-West Nigeria Diverse literature confirmed positions of scholarly discourse regarding the relationship between smart Agri-preneurship dimensions and food affordability Cross-sectional research design was adopted while adopted questionnaire was used to source primary data Duly registered Agri-preneurs in South-West Nigeria were selected with a population of 2 557 Cochran Hatzes Butler and Marcy formula 1997 was adopted and a reliable and valid questionnaire was tested on 558Agri-preneurs The regressed constructs revealed a positive and significant effect of smart Agri-preneurship on food affordability

How to Cite

Omodanisi, E. O., Egwakhe, A. J., Ajike, & O. E. (2020). Smart Agri-Preneurship Dimensions and Food Affordability. Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 20(A5), 67–74. Retrieved from

Smart Agri-Preneurship Dimensions and Food Affordability

