The Effect of Leadership on Working Conditions, Work Motivation, and Organization Commitment


  • Lalu Supaman

  • Mahyuddin Nasir

  • Sarifudin Serif


leadership, working conditions, work motivation and organizational commitment


The study of leadership is still very much in demand by Researchers Because almost all organizations really need good leaders, who can regulate and mobilize various resources (especially humans) in the organization. The main targets of human resource management that must be Achieved by leaders in the medium term is to create organizational commitment for all employee as members of the organization. In the process, much operational leadership must be Carried out tasks such as motivating subordinates and facilitating the work of subordinates. So the aim of this study: 1) To analyze the effect of leadership on work condition, motivation, and commitment to the organization 2) To analyze the effect of work condition and motivation on organizational commitment. The method used for data collection is the census method. The population in this study were all Civil Servants (PNS) who were status as guard officers in Community Institutions found in the Regency/City on Lombok Island. The number of guard officers is 195 people. All members of the population are respondents. The analysis tool used is Partial Least Square (PLS), the online version Smart PLS 2.0.m3 program that is run on computer media. The results of the study are: (1) Leadership has a positive and significant influence on Work Motivation. (2) Leadership has a positive and significant influence on Working Conditions.

How to Cite

Lalu Supaman, Mahyuddin Nasir, & Sarifudin Serif. (2019). The Effect of Leadership on Working Conditions, Work Motivation, and Organization Commitment. Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 19(A15), 35–47. Retrieved from

The Effect of Leadership on Working Conditions, Work Motivation, and Organization Commitment

