Brand Recall for Product Placement in Hindi Movies


  • Chirag Patel


product placement, hindi movies, brand recall


In present era, media fragmentation and proliferation has directed advertisers#x2019; interest in developing more effective ways to communicate with consumers. So they are moving with the new concept of promotion named product placement. In this paper, researchers try to study the impact of movie genre, product placement type, and viewer gender on audiences#x2019; recall of brand placed in movies in order to know which one gets more attention and more attraction for buying behaviour. This study uses experimental design and comprises samples of 137 students enrolled in MBA course, who watch hindi movies. The research was conducted with three hindi movies and respondents#x2019; were asked to recall brands placed in these movies after watching video clips. Data has been collected by the use of questionnaire. This research paper has implications for both academicians and practitioners which include the advertising agency people, the media planners, the brand managers, the movie scriptwriters and producers for developing strategies to increase the use of product placement as a tool for brand communications. Findings suggest that product placed in prominent mode has higher brand recall than product placed in subtle mode. Further it reveals that automobile products are highly recognized products among other products placed in selected hindi movies.

How to Cite

Chirag Patel. (2015). Brand Recall for Product Placement in Hindi Movies. Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 15(E7), 9–15. Retrieved from

Brand Recall for Product Placement in Hindi Movies

