Land Area Limitation of Durres Port Containers Terminal


  • Osman Metalla


durres port, containers terminal, land area, terminal infrastructure, equipment


A container terminal layout is usually based on various requirements for container storage and transfer One of the most important factors that affect the performance and the output of a containers terminal is the available area of the terminal Consequently we will discuss the potentials that Durres Port has in facing up the traffic increase in container handling as well as the limitations that exist in the land area that is available for the expansion of the terminal There are a number of factors to be considered like port congestion traffic management and safety aspects in the terminal This paper after analyzing the increment of the containers traffic gives an overall picture of various operations in Durres port containers terminal

How to Cite

Osman Metalla. (2015). Land Area Limitation of Durres Port Containers Terminal. Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 15(B5), 29–34. Retrieved from

Land Area Limitation of Durres Port Containers Terminal

