Celebrity Endorsement as a Marketing Tool


  • Lim Siew Foong

  • Lim Siew Foong

  • Rashad Yazdanifard


celebrity endorsement, celebrity culture, influence, press, brand


This paper explores the potential of celebrity endorsements as a marketing tool. In today#x2019;s competitive market, companies and brands strive to distinguish themselves from the rest and gain leverage. Celebrity endorsement has been the popular choice for them to connect with potential customers and create awareness for them in the market. Here it is discussed how and why celebrities#x2019; influence and power is used to reach their targeted consumers.

How to Cite

Lim Siew Foong, Lim Siew Foong, & Rashad Yazdanifard. (2014). Celebrity Endorsement as a Marketing Tool. Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 14(E4), 37–40. Retrieved from https://journalofbusiness.org/index.php/GJMBR/article/view/1429

Celebrity Endorsement as a Marketing Tool

