Carbon Credit: A Step towards Green Environment


  • Ms. Yuvika Gupta


Carbon Trading, Kyoto Protocol, GreenHouse Gas(GHG) emissions


In today's scenario Global Warming is costing a lot of money, so Green Environmentalist aims to promote policy and business that works for the environment. As we all know, carbon dioxide, the most important greenhouse gas produced by combustion of fuels, has become a cause of global panic as its concentration in the Earth's atmosphere has been rising alarmingly. This has created an opportunity for the trade of carbon credits both within and outside of the regulated area, thereby creating a global "carbon market". In this system of carbon trading, controls are imposed on GreenHouse Gas (GHG) emissions under the Kyoto Protocol, and the pre-decided emission limits are then allocated across countries, which have to control the greenhouse gas emissions from the various industries and commercial units operating within them. The objective of the paper is to discuss the basic concepts and importance of carbon credit. It also emphasizes on the methods used to save the environment. This paper also discusses the business opportunities in the global emissions market in Indian context.

How to Cite

Ms. Yuvika Gupta. (2011). Carbon Credit: A Step towards Green Environment. Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 11(5), 17–19. Retrieved from

Carbon Credit: A Step towards Green Environment

