Dynamic Strategic and Organizational Capabilities


  • Julian Miranda Torrez




dynamic strategic, dynamic capabilities, organizations, environment, competitive advantage, organizational performance


In the reviewed literature, dispersion was identified in the concepts used in the definition of dynamic capacities (CD), incomplete theories were also observed on which the proposed concepts were based, which has hindered the development of theoretical knowledge and the conduct of research empirical. The effort of the authors to solve this problem has been partial since it was analyzed from the perspective of strategy theory, the theory of organizations and administration (TOA) was not considered, this situation affected the clarity and precision of the CD. The objective was raised, to build the concept of dynamic strategic and organizational capacities (CDEO) based on the theories of strategy (TE), organizations (TO) and administration (TA), in order to modernize the traditional concept dynamic capabilities (CD) and provide a solution to the concept dispersion problem. Originality. Integration of theories around the CDEO construct, which will allow the theoretical and empirical development.

How to Cite

Julian Miranda Torrez. (2021). Dynamic Strategic and Organizational Capabilities. Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 21(A7), 5–14. https://doi.org/10.34257/GJMBRAVOL21IS7PG5

Dynamic Strategic and Organizational Capabilities

