How Does Diabetes Influence the Impact of Aging on the Probability of Employment?


  • David Bernstein



Objective: The purpose of this study is to evaluate how diabetes and complications from diabetes impact the relationship between age and attachment to the workforce for people nearing retirement age. Research Design and Methods: The study uses data from the 2015 Medical Expenditures Panel Survey to examine how the relationship between age and attachment to the workforce differs across three health groups #x2013; (1) people without diabetes, (2) diabetics with no diabetic complications, and (3) diabetics with complications impacting either eyes or kidneys.

How to Cite

David Bernstein. (2021). How Does Diabetes Influence the Impact of Aging on the Probability of Employment?. Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 21(A6), 1–4. Retrieved from

How Does Diabetes Influence the Impact of Aging on the Probability of  Employment?

