Energy Prices and the Financial Performance of Different Industries in Pakistan


  • Qamar Rasheed


panel data, fixed effect, random effect, energy prices, ratio analysis, PSX manufacturing industries


The study conducted to analyze the influence of energy prices on the financial performance of large-scale manufacturing industries listed in Pakistan Stock Exchange over the period of 2007 to 2016. The financial indicators namely, return on equity, return on asset and profit margin ratio are used as dependent variables while exchange rate is used as control variable. This research used five different industrial sectors of Pakistan namely textile sector, cement sector, sugar sector, automobile assembling sector, and pharmaceutical sector. The population consisted of 170 companies however only 67 companies included in the sample of the study based on availability and accessibility of the data. The panel regression method employed for each sector of the study separately. The fixed effect estimator and random effect estimator applied to each sector of the study along with key financial indicators separately. The Hausman test performed to ratify the appropriate method of regression analysis between the fixed effect model and random effect model. In the decisive remarks, energy prices have significant and positive association with the financial performance of large-scale industries of Pakistan.

How to Cite

Qamar Rasheed. (2019). Energy Prices and the Financial Performance of Different Industries in Pakistan. Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 19(C3), 17–29. Retrieved from

Energy Prices and the Financial Performance of Different Industries in Pakistan

