Road Sector Development and Socio-economic Growth in Wonbera Woreda, Benshangul Gumuz, Ethiopia


  • Hika Nigatu Ayele


road sector development, socio-economic growth, agricultural production, social service, market access


Road is the backbone of a countries infrastructure and the frame of a countries socioeconomic development. Thus, the study was aimed at examining the road sector development and socioeconomic growth of Wonbera woreda in Benishangul Gumuz Region. To accomplish the objective, the researcher employed descriptive research design. Both primary and secondary data sources were used. In line with this both qualitative and quantitative data type was employed.190 sample size was selected from 2700 total population by using simple random sampling technique. The researcher used questionnaire, interview and secondary data as a method of data collection. Both quantitative and qualitative data analysis method was used. The study shows that the contribution of road on the quantity of agricultural production was high. It also indicated that there is variation in the prices of agricultural products and inputs between places accessible to road and not. There were more schools closer to the road than away from the road. Thus, students closer to the road had more opportunity to get schools in comparison to those far away from the road. As it is revealed, in the study area health institutions are few and people had to walk more than five to ten kilometer to reach the nearest health posts which needs improvement in infrastructure. Additionally, the study revealed that household with good road access has good market access and vice versa. Therefore, it is recommended that since the area is far from the center of the country, it is a big challenge to promote developmental programs in the area. Thus, in order to connect the area with the interior part of the country and also properly utilize the natural resources, road network needs to be expanded in accordance with road transport policy of the country. Therefore, the concerned bodies should work to connect the study woreda with big market centers within and outside the region.

How to Cite

Hika Nigatu Ayele. (2017). Road Sector Development and Socio-economic Growth in Wonbera Woreda, Benshangul Gumuz, Ethiopia. Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 17(B4), 37–48. Retrieved from

Road Sector Development and Socio-economic Growth in Wonbera Woreda, Benshangul Gumuz, Ethiopia

