Determinant Factors Affecting Loan Repayment Performance of Women Borrowers from Micro Finance Institutions in Southwest Ethiopia: Evidence from Four Woredas around Gilgel Gibe Hydroelectric Power Dam.
loan repayment, women borrowers, MFIs, binary logistic regression
The aim of microcredit is to help the poor and lower income group to get funds for their business activities and to improve their lives. Also Ethiopian government use and promote microcredit as a bridge to eradicate poverty and for women's empowerment. In reverse, many women#x2019;s are loan defaulter than other borrowers. But, there are a limited number of researches attempted to explore determinant factors affecting loan repayment performance in the case of women borrower of micro finance institutions by using empirical data, especially in the study country and almost no for the study area. So to fill this gap, we conduct a cross-sectional study with overall aim of assessing determinant factors affecting loan repayment performance in the case of women borrowers from micro finance institutions. We employed a multi-stage sampling approach and a total of 182 women#x2019;s, which 85 borrowers were defaulter and 97 non-defaulters.
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