Nigerian Agricultural Cooperatives and Rural Development in IVO L.G .A., Ebonyi State , Nigeria


  • Dr. Nnadozie A.K.O

  • Oyediran

  • A.G

  • Njoku

  • A.I

  • Okoli

  • K.C


agricultural cooperatives, farm financing, group dynamics, rural development and wealth creation


The study showed that multipurpose production marketing thrift and savings agricultural cooperatives societies exist in Ivo Local Government Ebonyi State Nigeria These cooperative source their finance from monthly dues levies and fines and others The cooperatives have greatly contributed to agricultural development in Ivo Local Government Area by provision of cash to small-holder farmers processing marketing and group management However there exist certain problems confronting the agricultural cooperatives from their expected roles and they include inadequate staff or personnel low income and poor government interventions Based on the findings the researchers concluded that the agricultural cooperative societies in Ivo Local Government Area Ebonyi State Nigeria have contributed to rural and agricultural development despite the identified constraints

How to Cite

Dr. Nnadozie A.K.O, Oyediran, A.G, Njoku, A.I, Okoli, & K.C. (2015). Nigerian Agricultural Cooperatives and Rural Development in IVO L.G .A., Ebonyi State , Nigeria. Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 15(G4), 35–43. Retrieved from

Nigerian Agricultural Cooperatives and Rural Development in IVO L.G .A., Ebonyi State , Nigeria

