Tax Regulation of Land Relations in Agricultural Economy of Ukraine


  • Valentyn Bobko

  • Petro Borovuk


tax regulation, land rent taxes in the agricultural sector, land tax, payment for the state and municipal owned land#x2019;s rent, single tax on agricultu


This article explores the problem of collecting land rent taxes in the agricultural sector of Ukraine's economy. According to the analysis, authors suggested ways of improving land tax#x2019; collecting mechanisms, payment for the state and municipal owned land#x2019;s rent and single tax for agricultural business#x2019; subjects. In addition, the authors suggested the introduction of a tax on the land market transactions and the land resources#x2019; monopolization tax in Ukraine.

How to Cite

Valentyn Bobko, & Petro Borovuk. (2015). Tax Regulation of Land Relations in Agricultural Economy of Ukraine. Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 15(C7), 11–17. Retrieved from

Tax Regulation of Land Relations in Agricultural Economy of Ukraine

