Rumors in the Workplace Affecting Organizational Change Readiness


  • Dr. Orlando Rivero


public administration; public service; management; leadership organizational development; learning organizations; organizational learning; organizatio


The spread of Rumors Grapevines Rumor-mills continues to be an issue for most mid large organizations throughout the United States Rumors have been an integral part of American political views and have had an effect on most organizational change initiatives The notion of not knowing something provokes human instincts to seek the truth among employees by spreading rumors In so doing rumor-mills have the potential to penetrate most organizational structures which could lead to organizational change derailment if not addressed accordingly

How to Cite

Dr. Orlando Rivero. (2013). Rumors in the Workplace Affecting Organizational Change Readiness. Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 13(A12), 51–53. Retrieved from

Rumors in the Workplace Affecting Organizational Change Readiness

