Remittances and Income Mobility in the Rural Areas of Nigeria


  • Olatomide Waheed Olowa

  • Omowumi Ayodele Olowa


income mobility, income inequality, remittances, rural nigeria, household


In Nigeria an issue that is discussed less is intertemporal income mobility who is getting ahead who is falling behind who is standing still and why This article examines the effects of remittances on rural households income mobility We used the living standard survey NLSS Harmonised living standard survey HNLSS and balance of payments on remittance data set produced by the government of Nigeria to help track Inequality and income mobility progress The unit of analysis was the household upon which information on remittances was analysed Average Quintile Immobility Rate AQIR and the Average Quintile Move Rate AQMR were estimated to determine the status of intertemporal income mobility with and without remittances while the progressive index P-value was estimated to ascertain whether income mobility has contributed to long-term income equality From the results remittances pushed up rural households income mobility and had long-term contribution to income equality

How to Cite

Olatomide Waheed Olowa, & Omowumi Ayodele Olowa. (2013). Remittances and Income Mobility in the Rural Areas of Nigeria. Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 13(C9), 43–49. Retrieved from

Remittances and Income Mobility in the Rural Areas of Nigeria

