Incubator of Enterprises for Former Prisoners, a Good Idea?!


  • Prof. Dr. Bezamat de Souza Neto



I Introduction M ore than a Technologicalarticle the present work proposes a reflection based on a technical report of production with a professional emphasis on the experience lived in a certain academic project executed and concluded but which has often been the subject of debate within the scope of the discipline Public Policies of Science Technology and Innovation and the Brazilian State under my responsibility in the Professional Master s Degree in Intellectual Property and Transfer of Technology at UFSJ Given the inter trans and multidisciplinary bias of the aforementioned graduate course each class has a distinct professional profile and such diversity impacts and feeds back into the debate This is what we will deal with as explained in the title of this article is it a good idea In other words the specificity of the present work is its emphasis on the practical contribution to the debate because after all theory and practice are interdependent two sides of the same coin The project in question was called the Incubator of Enterprises for Former Prisoners whose mission was to foster innovative actions in the human development of re-educated ex-prisoners young people in conflict with the law and any and all citizens creating opportunities through qualification and entrepreneurial training awakening empowerment and the reconstruction of identities To make the idea viable it was proposed to create partnerships between the university incubators and NGOs associations for the assistance of convicts aiming at the social integration of men and women who have passed through the prison system through the practice of entrepreneurship


How to Cite

Prof. Dr. Bezamat de Souza Neto. (2024). Incubator of Enterprises for Former Prisoners, a Good Idea?!. Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 24(A2), 43–48. Retrieved from

Incubator of Enterprises for Former Prisoners, a Good Idea?!

