Administration: Science, Art or Technique? A Reflective Look at the Epistemological Status of the Administration


  • María G. Torres S.

  • Marcelo A. Rangel R.


administration, epistemology, science, art, technique


The study of the administrative work of man has raised the statement of different epistemic perspectives exclusive of each other This perspective coincides with delineating the organization as a central element of the discipline and administrative processes as an exclusive object of study disagreeing on the way of understanding the nature of the organization as of the administrative action and therefore in the methods used for its investigative approach

How to Cite

María G. Torres S., & Marcelo A. Rangel R. (2023). Administration: Science, Art or Technique? A Reflective Look at the Epistemological Status of the Administration. Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 23(A1), 49–55. Retrieved from

Administration: Science, Art or Technique? A Reflective Look at the Epistemological Status of the Administration

