The Ethical Emotivism of a. J. Ayer And C. L. Stevenson: A Tendentious Explanatory Matrix for Human Homosexual Behaviour


  • Rev. Fr. Joseph T. Ekong, O.P,


bisexuality, comparative, evaluative, emotivism, human, homosexuality, heterosexuality, study


This work is expository analytic comparative and evaluative in its methodology The objective is to interrogate the emotive ethical theories of A J Ayer and C L Stevenson in relation to the phenomenon of homosexuality in order to ascertain whether or not the causative factors and justificatory reasons of same-sex tendencies orientations and behaviours can be adequately accounted for within the context of the emotive or psychical dimension of the human person In other words what is pivotal here is whether or not the emotive ethical theories non-cognitivism offer a robust conceptual grid and interpretative framework for engaging in any demanding and rewarding discourse on the issue of human homosexual behavior

How to Cite

Rev. Fr. Joseph T. Ekong, O.P,. (2022). The Ethical Emotivism of a. J. Ayer And C. L. Stevenson: A Tendentious Explanatory Matrix for Human Homosexual Behaviour. Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 22(A9), 69–83. Retrieved from

The Ethical Emotivism of a. J. Ayer And C. L. Stevenson: A Tendentious Explanatory Matrix for Human Homosexual Behaviour

