Institutional Logic, Dilemma and Suggestions of Open Source Innovation: A Case Study of Blockchain


  • Chen Xiaohong


open source; blockchain; intellectual property rights; dilemmas; suggestions


Open-source software has made a breakthrough in the traditional intellectual property theory from the aspects of Copyright, patent right, and trademark right, and it has created a new property rights form in the form of license. Taking blockchain as an example, this paper analyzes bitcoin and Ethereum and their open- source licensing strategies. At the same time, it explores the problems encountered in the property rights of open-source blockchain and three possible solutions to this dilemma: The industry-standard licensing plan, blockchain open-source licensing scheme, and open patent scheme. This research will be significant for expanding and enriching the theoretical and practical analysis of blockchain open source in the field of intellectual property.


How to Cite

Chen Xiaohong. (2022). Institutional Logic, Dilemma and Suggestions of Open Source Innovation: A Case Study of Blockchain. Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 22(D2), 45–53. Retrieved from

Institutional Logic, Dilemma and Suggestions of Open Source  Innovation: A Case Study of Blockchain

