Earth Community, Green Women, and People-centered Altruistic Economies, Politics and Cultures: A Book Summary and Review of aThe Great Turning from Empire to Earth Communitya (2006)


  • Dr. Kazi Abdur Rouf



David Korten, in his book #x2018;The Great Turning from Empire to Earth Community#x2019; (2006), presents a well-researched summary of human socio-cultural history over the past 10,000 or so years. Before 3000 BC, he argues, human society was organized on the basis of relationships in a form of social organization he terms "Earth Community". Human needs and values were paramount; cooperation was the basic principal of interaction; the earth was respected, and the needs the individual were humanely balanced with the needs of the group. Before Empire, spiritually, gods were generally female, representing the givers of life and sustenance. In human society, women enjoyed a status of full participation, with a voice in all family and village affairs. However, in different periods of empire, women#x2019;s egalitarian status transformed and was lost to patriarchal male domination. To eradicate injustice, inequality and exploitation from society, it is important to revive the earth community in order to restore justice and equality in the contemporary society. Significance of the book review: This book creates new knowledge, thoughts and strategies that inspire people to organize them against exploiting empires and to develop partnerships among marginalised people for their well-being in the community. It tells us how to use human potential for creative cooperation and share resources for the creation of community-driven economies that are green, smart, and promote the well-being of all people. This book review promotes a bio-diverse green economy and green women development based on Korten#x2019;s #x2018;Earth Community#x2019; approach. The reviewer of this book thinks this book summary and review provide readers with a synopsis of the book and share David Korten#x2019;s #x2018;Earth Community#x2019; features that might help researchers think and find out ways of making better altruistic community life in the contemporary world.

How to Cite

Dr. Kazi Abdur Rouf. (2014). Earth Community, Green Women, and People-centered Altruistic Economies, Politics and Cultures: A Book Summary and Review of aThe Great Turning from Empire to Earth Communitya (2006). Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 14(G2), 1–6. Retrieved from

Earth Community, Green Women, and People-centered Altruistic Economies, Politics and Cultures:  A Book Summary and Review of aThe Great Turning from Empire to Earth Communitya (2006)

