Financial Development and Economic Growth: Case of the MENA Region


  • Soltani Hassen

  • Maktouf Samir


banks, financial market, growth economic, mena countries, GMM dynamic panel


The controversy over the relationship between the financial and real economic sphere was ambiguous. Many studies showed a positive relationship between these two spheres whereas others presented the perfectly opposed thesis. On the basis of data relating to 11 MENA countries, observed during the period 1995-2011 and by using the GMM method of the dynamic panel, the result showed that there is a positive relation between the financial development and economic growth. This relationship and more intense for the role of the MENA financial system.

How to Cite

Soltani Hassen, & Maktouf Samir. (2013). Financial Development and Economic Growth: Case of the MENA Region. Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 13(G7), 35–40. Retrieved from

Financial Development and Economic Growth: Case of the MENA Region

