Abstract-Parents play a vital role as social actors in the development of children's academic achievement by motivating them. Their active participation in children's learning process is quite important for them to influence their children for a better learning outcome. Parental involvement in literature has been defined in a variety of ways. It is generally the involvement of parents in the children's education process with the aim of improving their academic as well as social wellbeing. These include various activities such as supporting and monitoring homework at home, attending school activities and attending parent and teacher interaction sessions, communicating with teachers, volunteering activities at school, and working with the community. For an every child, the school is often called as the second home, which helps molding a child to become a global citizen. The children are taught moral values and standards through interactions at school, also aiming at developing the knowledge and skills required for the labor market in future. Findings of research done on influence of parental involvement towards the academic performance of the children shows that there is a significant relationship between the parental involvement and the performance of the children. Active involvement of parents appears to have a greater impact on students' performance, reviles that the variables parental involvement and learning motivation has direct relationship. A child's parental involvement begins at nursery schooling level and then continues through the primary, the secondary and at the high school. Further, some studies revealed that there's a significant mediation effect of student motivation in the relationship between the parental involvement and student performance. Several studies have shown that parenting styles indirectly and positively related to academic outcome through the motivation significantly. Some researchers have depicted a significant mediating effect of student motivation in the relationship between parenting styles and academic performance among students. The analysis showed that parenting styles indirectly and positively related to academic outcome through the motivation. Positive significant relationship appeared between the teacher's teaching experience and performance implied that teachers who have developed greater cognitive abilities tend to generate better learner performance. Studies have shown that through the teaching practice, positive teacherstudent relationships can lead to a warm classroom environment that facilitates successful adaptation to school and thereby moderates student motivation to learn significantly. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the effects of the quality of teacher-student interaction on students' motivation to learn. According to the literature, there is a significant impact of parental involvement and parenting styles on student performance. Student motivation significantly mediates these relationships and academic causal factors significantly moderate the relationships. On this contextual, a Conceptual Model was introduced. This conceptual model could be used by future researchers to examine the impact of involvement and styles of parents on student motivation towards student performance with the moderating effect of academic causal factors in deferent perspectives. # Introduction arental involvement has been defined in a number of ways in the literature. Largely, parental involvement is the participation of parents in children's educational process with the purpose of improving their academic and social well-being, which includes a diverse set of activities, such as assisting and monitoring learning at home, attending school activities and parent-teacher interactions, volunteering at school, communicating with teachers and collaborating with community (Zong, Zhang & Yao, 2017, Liu, Sulaimani & Henning, 2020). Previous research suggests that there is a growing concern about the degree of which parents are involved in their child's education (Bempechat, 1992 For an every child, the school is often called as the second home, which helps molding a child to become a global citizen. The children are taught moral values and standards through interactions at school, also aiming at developing the knowledge and skills required for the labor market in future (World Bank, 2015). Findings of research done on influence of parental involvement in the academic performance of P the children shows that there is a significant relationship between the parental involvement and the student performance of the children (Yaseen, Zaman, & Rasheed, 2017). Active involvement of parents appears to have a greater impact on students' performance. A child's parental involvement begins at nursery and then continues through primary, secondary and to the high school. Although it is important at every grade and throughout, yet it is known to be critical at the secondary schooling stage. There's a tendency of parents getting less involved in their children's education when their children becoming young adolescents (Oates, 2017;Wijsman, Warrens & Saab, 2015). Parenting styles are the manner in which parents rear their children. Parents want their children to grow into socially mature individuals. To discover the best way to accomplish this they adopt varying parenting styles. Baumrind (1965,1971,1978,1996) has identified three parenting styles as authoritative, authoritarian, permissive. Motivation is defined as the process that initiates, guides, and maintains goaloriented behaviors (Cherry, 2016). There are five different constructs reflecting motivation (Deci & Ryan, 2000;Weiner, 1990) namely intrinsic, extrinsic, amotivation, self-efficacy and achievement. Intrinsic motivation is defined as motivation in which the source is the "inherent satisfaction" an individual derives from the behaviour (Deci & Ryan, 2008). Extrinsic motivation relates to a wide variety of behaviours from external sources and these behaviours are engaged in as a means to an end and not for their own sake (Deci, 1975). Academic performance refers to a student's success in achieving educational goals and reflects how well students achieve the standards set by an academic institution or by the local educational authorities (Steinmayr, Meißner, Weidinger, and Wirthwein, 2014). Academic casual factors includes learning environment and teaching practices fields where which includes teacher's classroom management skills, teaching methods applied, managing student behaviour, communicating with students, engaging students in learning, school environment has an influence on students' performance (Yilmaz, Sahin, Turgut (2017). Active involvement of parents appears to have a greater impact on students' performance. A child's parental involvement begins at nursery level and then continues through the primary, the secondary and at the high school. Although it is important at every grade and throughout, yet it is known to be critical at the secondary schooling stage. There's a tendency of parents getting less involved in their children's education when their children becoming young adolescents. Many countries have examined the impact of parental involvement, parenting styles on student motivation towards student performance. As per the literature, lack of research attention has been given to the theoretical blend of parental involvement, parenting style on student motivation towards students' academic performance in developing countries. Therefore, further research needs to be carried out. # II. # Problem Statement Little research attention has been given to the theoretical blend of parental involvement, parenting style, student motivation and students' academic performance in a single research work (Amponsah et al., 2018). Parents are usually very much involved in their children's early education but it tends to decrease when children proceeds to secondary education (Oates, 2017;Wijsman, Warrens & Saab, 2015). Although declining trends in parental involvement towards the students' performance as children proceed to high school is questionable because of the inconsistent findings of studies related to this relationship (Wijsman et al., 2018). According to Nauzeer and Jaunky (2016) more research is needed to understand about the student motivation for the purpose of enhancing the parental involvement towards student performance. Further, at present, there's also dearth of empirical studies carried out in Sri Lanka focusing on the student performance in science and mathematics. Fewer studies have been considered academic causal factors as a moderator to facilitate relationships between student motivation and students' academic performance (Yilmaz, Sahin, Turgut, 2017) and recommend integrating these factors into future research. Furthermore, there is a gap in knowledge relating to the parental involvement and student performance (Juma, Muramdu, Colins, 2019). Thus, there is a need for research to explore further. As highlighted by the literature, whether the educational success of children relates to parental involvement, parenting styles, student motivation and academic causal factors? If so, to what extent these variables affect the academic performance of the children? It is important to analyse how such parental involvement on the performance of education of children could be enhanced. # III. # Literature Review a) Parental Involvement Parent involvement is the volunteer service of parents at school or at home for the purpose of improving a child's education. Parent participation is a critical component of academic success and social development (Mautone et al., 2015;Yingqi, 2015). Parents that are active in their child's schools has shown positive effects including increased academic achievement, positive social behavior, augmented resources and social networking opportunities (Garbacz et al., 2015). Parental involvement refers to a situation where parents are directly involved in the education of their children, they involve themselves and are involved by the school and teachers in the learning process of their children, and they fulfill their duties as parents in making sure that the learner is assisted in the process of learning as much as they possibly can. It does not just refer to parents enquiring about the performance of a learner in schools, but also in them taking a role in communicating with their children with the aim of having a healthy relationship with them, so that the process of encouraging, mentoring, leading and inspiring may be genuine (Clinton & Hattie, 2013) Joyce Epstein as a researcher has drawn six types of parental approach, coined as a model, and they are parenting, communication, volunteering, learning at home, decision-making, and collaborating with community (Epstein, 1987(Epstein, , 1995(Epstein, , 2001(Epstein, , and 2011)). Further, through the model Epstein emphasizes the importance of parental involvement to be effectively developed in a child and it also make out the diversity of actions needed to be taken by parents in supporting the process of their child's development (Peiffer, 2015). Parents' involvement in school life was frequently related to academic success, especially in the first levels of schooling, and parents recognized that "the greater the presence and involvement of parents in school the greater the percentage of success". However, parents also assumed that there was a great decrease of involvement in secondary school and explored some of the reasons for this; parental involvement was quite different. Parenting also helps that the school could provide to the families, aiming to increase parents' understanding about their children's development and academic achievement (Costa & Faria, 2017). # b) Parenting Style A parenting style is a psychological construct representing standard strategies that parents use in their child rearing. There are many differing theories and opinions on the best ways to rear children, as well as differing levels of time and effort that parents are willing to invest. One of the best known theories of parenting style was developed by Diana Baumrind. She proposed that parents fall into one of three categories: authoritarian (telling their children exactly what to do), permissive (allowing their children to do whatever they wish), or authoritative (providing rules and guidance without being overbearing). The theory was later extended to include negligent parents (disregarding the children, and focusing on other interests). Some empirical studies show that the authoritative parenting style was associated with adolescents academic achievement (Checa and Gutierrez, 2018). In some, the association between parenting and academic achievement differed from maternal and paternal reports: mothers' parenting styles were not associated significantly with adolescents' academic achievement. It is clear that the parenting style adopted within the family has an impact on children and adolescents academic achievement. The attitudes that parents have towards their kids have an effect on the involvement they show in the school, as well as in the development of skills and abilities needed to cope with school demands. Parenting styles are also a reflection of the society parents belong to, which transmits values, expectations, behavior patterns, belief system and guidelines about optimal and deficient parenting (Checa and Gutierrez, 2018). Baumrind (1991) retained that authoritative parenting style is more balanced parenting style and creates a supportive home environment for children's academic and psychological development compared to authoritarian and permissive parenting styles (Rabgay, 2015). # c) Parental Involvement and Student Performance Most parents assumed that their children could not be educated merely on the school environment and that home environment would have a lasting impact on school education (Daniel et al, 2016, Muir, T. 2012). Therefore, many parents recognize the importance of school and home collaboration in educating their children (MacDonald andMcFarland-Piazza, 2014, Carmichael et al, 2014). Findings of research done on the influence of parental involvement in the academic performance of the children shows that there is a significant relationship between the parental involvement and the student performance of the children (Yaseen, Zaman and Rasheed, 2017, Ambachew, Amare and Geleta, 2018, Simweleba & Serpell, 2020). However, parents' active involvement is more influential with students' performance than the other socioeconomic factors. While parental involvement is important at every grade level, it is critical at the secondary school stage because parents of young adolescents have a tendency to become less actively involved in their children's reach upper secondary stage in their education (Oates, 2017). Moreover, the existing researches have revealed the importance of parental involvement towards student performance. Mutodi and Ngirande (2014) argues Three parental involvement constructs, that is, parenting, parent-teacher communication and home and family support were found to be positively related to performance. Studies conclude that the home and family support is the most significant factor that determines a learner's performance. The parents who involve themselves in the children's education at home, their children as a result, show good performance at school. Akbar, Chisthi & Younes, (2017) stated that the Parental involvement is found statistically significantly contributing towards the outcome of Student Performance. The study helps us to accept that there is a relationship between parental involvement and their children's academic achievement. Furthermore, studies carried out by Hussain, Javaid, Parveen & Iqbal (2018) and Ambachew, Amare, & Geleta (2018) revealed that there is a strong positive and significant relationship between parental involvement and academic performance of students. Similarly, studies carried out Akbar (2015);, Topor et al., (2010) reviles that Parental involvement (PI) is found to be statistically significantly contributing towards the outcome of Students' scores. Research studies carried out by Jaiswal and Choudhuri (2017) suggests that when parents are actively involved in their children's educational activities, show affection to their children, participate in school events, democratic and responsive in nature, and keep positive educational expectation then students' academic performance becomes higher. Based on Parka and Holloway (2017) studies, stated that the effects of school-based parental involvement on academic achievement at the child achievement in mathematics significant. Parental involvement became more strongly related to mathematics and reading achievement as children move through the grades. Providing information on how schools function, how to support learning, and how to access educational resources is another way to encourage parents to become more involved in schoolbased activities (Park and Holloway, 2013). Further, the studies confirm that parental involvement as the most powerful predictor of, particularly for low socioeconomic families, is the creation of a school environment where parents feel welcomed and valued by educators ( There are various studies which provide empirical evidence on the positive impacts of the parental involvement and the student performance, in developing countries as well. In a study carried out in Ghana by the researchers Amponsah, Milledzi, Ampofo and Gyambrah (2018) reviled that there is a significant positive relationship between parental involvement and students' academic performance. Their findings revelries that parental involvement through homework, creating a learning environment for studying at home, motivating and setting realistic and high expectations for children enhances academic performance. Hence, parents as the prime educators and the first agents of socialization and exposing children to the social and academic world should play a leading role in supporting their children's education. Thus, for their children's educational attainment parents should set high and realistic expectations, to motivate their children to perform well academically. However, some of the previous studies on the relationship between parental involvement and student performance have delivered mixed and weak findings. Several studies have shown that parental involvement in children's academic education tends to decrease across schooling, moreover parental involvement changes throughout school (Jeynes, 2011; Costa and Faria, 2017; Wijsman et al., 2018). While parental involvement has been found to be related to increased academic performance, the mechanisms through which parental involvement applies its impact on a student's academic performance are not yet fully understood (Collins, Juma and Murundu (2019). # d) Parenting Style and Student Performance Over the years parenting styles and behaviors has evolved. The three parenting styles namely; authoritative, authoritarian and permissive (Baumrind, 1966(Baumrind, , 1967(Baumrind, , 1978(Baumrind, , 1991) ) . Determining academic performance of students in the West and European countries the authoritative parenting style is the dominant and most effective style applied, while Asian counties show more favorable results for academic performance for the authoritarian style (Masud et al., 2015). However, high parenting style of the father adds a significant contribution to obtain higher academic grades by their children. Thus, father's role plays an important part in determining their children's academic outcome in Asian cultures (Masud et al., 2015). A number of studies have been conducted on the relationship between parenting style and student academic performance (Kösterelio?lu, 2018). Most scholars have found a positive impact of parenting styles on student performance. Lerdponkulrat et al. (2012) reported students who perceived their parents as authoritarian had higher performance. Mahasneh (2014) reported positive relationships between parenting style and academic success on authoritarian and permissive parenting styles and, the authoritative parenting style is the best predictor of academic achievement. According to Purificación C, Alicia (2018) and Orhan-Özen (2017) parenting style has a positive effect on student performance. Jeynes (2010) indicated that parenting style is an important component of parental involvement because it helped to produce a positive home life for the child. The home-to-school relationship is significant because it can expand and redefine the whole concept of parental involvement (Seginer and Mahajna, 2018). Xu, Dai, Liu and Deng (2018) examined how children at near adolescents' age perceived parental psychological control and autonomy based on their parenting style towards academic achievement. Study carried out in Bhutan (Rabgay, 2015), found that there were differences in students' academic performance due to differences in parenting style. It revealed that, out of the three parenting styles, namely authoritative, authoritarian and permissive, found that authoritative parenting results in better students' academic performance compared to students whose parents had an authoritarian and permissive style of parenting). In the same way, Uma and Manikandan (2014) noted that parents style play a significant role in determining the level of academic performance among adolescents. Thus, it is essential that parents should be equipped with appropriate knowledge and skills so that they can provide better guidance for their adolescents' positive development especially in academic aspects. # e) Student Motivation Motivation is defined as the process that initiates, guides, and maintains goal-oriented behaviors (Cherry, 2016). It is considered as a crucial factor that affects human behavior and performance (Kian et al. 2014; Turan 2015). The educational researchers and practitioners point out that motivation is one of the most important factors in student performance and in ensuring continuous achievement . Further Küçüközkan (2015) has defined motivation as the sum of the efforts made for driving the individual towards one or more particular goals and for ensuring the continuity of this movement. In addition, many concepts, such as interest, values, attitude and desire of the individual towards an action, affect the process of motivation as well (Akpur 2015). Therefore, motivation has a multidimensional structure. In this regard, each individual may have a different amount of motivation. Based on the literature, there are five different constructs reflecting motivation (Ryan & Deci, 2002Deci, , 2006Deci, , 2016;;Weiner, 1990) namely intrinsic, extrinsic, motivation, self-efficacy and achievement of motivation. Intrinsic motivation involves engaging in a behavior since it is personally rewarding; essentially, performing an activity for its own sake rather than the desire for some external reward. Behavior comes from his own inner world leading to his own reward, thus no additional motive or punishment is needed (?en 2006(?en , Ural 2009). The main sources of intrinsic motivation are the interest, curiosity and needs of the individual. Actions which are performed through intrinsic motivation and which originate from these sources are inherently rewarding for the individual; In this case, the individual is expected to display behaviors such as volunteerism, willingness and making a choice (Deci and Ryan 2000, 2006. Therefore, these actions usually generate intrinsic results as personal experiences which have a meaning for the individual (Erdo?an 2013). A study stressing the importance of intrinsic motivation indicated that students will learn a topic more easily if they are willing to grasp and understand it (Çelen 2010). to grab the economic shocks (Hashim, Raza and Minai, 2018). Extrinsic motivation occurs when the individual is motivated to perform a behavior or engage in an activity to earn a reward or to avoid punishment. ?en (2006) express that engaging in such behavior not because you enjoy it or because you find it satisfying, but in order to get something in return or avoid something unpleasant. The behaviors which originate from external sources, such as rewards, punishment, and social support, are behaviors which are linked with the result of the individual's action (Erdo?an 2013). Some actions which are considered to be important for the students by teachers and parents are triggered by extrinsic motivation, and, therefore, they do not draw the intrinsic attention of individuals (Deci and Ryan 2016). Apart from the above mentioned motivation types, literature provide additional motivational components that give signs about the nature of the motivation of the individuals, of which some of them are directly related to the academic performance of the individuals; these are intrinsic goal orientation, extrinsic goal orientation and the value of the subject, control of learning beliefs, self-sufficiency and test anxiety (Bates et al. 2016). According to Suhag et al. ( 2016), motivation has several effects on the learning and behavior of students: Firstly, motivation leads behavior to specific goals. Motivation sets specific goals that people strive for and, thus, influences the choices of students. Motivation as a prerequisite for learning showed that the literature is mostly focused on the factors that make individuals to act and to pursue these actions (Liu et al. 2016). In particular, the studies underlining the importance of motivation as a factor that facilitates the learning achievements of the individuals (Karagüven 2012 and Kaya 2013) have argued that learning achievement and effectiveness may vary according to motivators such as interest, desire and need (Tahiro?lu and Aktepe 2015). # f) Parental Involvement, Student Motivation and Student Performance Motivation is an important factor influencing learning and achievement. The human behavior believed affect by various situation like; thinking, learning, feelings, creativity, and perceptions. Many students cannot learn effectively as a result of not been encouraged. The finding of the studies shows that the Parental involvement (parenting, communicating, learning at home, decision making) has a positive partial mediation towards student performance (Ubale, Abdurrahman and Abdullah, 2015). Since the motivation deals with the human behavior and cognitive development parents should be involved in the educational development of their children that will eventually enable them to be more productive in the society (Ubale et al., 2015). Sharma and Sharma (2018) found that there were significant correlations between motivation and academic performance among students. Núñez, Regueiro, Suárez, Piñeiro, Rodicio & Valle (2019) study reveals the total mediation of student motivation in the relationship between the parental involvement and student performance. A study conducted by Alyssa et al., (2005) reviles that the variables parental involvement and learning motivation has direct relationship. Brittany and Mary (2005) study investigating a correlation between parental involvement and student's motivation as well as academic achievement, of which findings showed that a correlation between student's motivation and academic achievement is also direct. Perceived parental involvement contributes to children's motivation essentially conveying confidence in their abilities and showing interest in their progress and schoolwork (Rodríguez et al., 2017). Many studies have scrutinized the influential factors of academic achievement (Miñano & Castejón, 2011;Miñano, Gilar, & Castejón, 2012). Hence, parents' contribution towards the motivation of their children provides the confidence in their abilities, and to make an interest in their progress of achievements. Student achievements are influenced by many people, parents, extended family members, schools, institutions peer groups, clubs and societies etc. Tarekegn et al. (2015) suggested that there is statistically significant relationship between parent involvement and student motivation towards their learning outcomes. Thus, parental support is essential to students' academic success (Simpkins et al, 2015). Secondly, mothers' authoritarian parenting styles were negatively related to intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Finally, both mothers' and fathers' permissive parenting styles were positively related to student motivation. Similarly, Mahama et al., (2018) studies examined the relationship between parenting styles (authoritative, authoritarian and permissive) and student's motivation. It depicts that majority of parents perceived them as authoritative, followed by authoritarian and permissive. The findings revealed that mothers were more permissive than fathers. The results also did confirm a positive correlation between paternal parenting styles and children's motivation (Hamid, Shakil, Ali and Ahmad, 2019). Hejazi (2018) confirm the mediating effect of student motivation (intrinsic motivation) in the relationship between parenting styles and academic performance among high school students. The analysis showed that parenting styles indirectly and positively related to academic outcome through the motivation. Hence, there's a mediating effect of intrinsic motivation in the relationship between parenting styles and academic resilience. Based on the self-determination theory Stavrulaki, Li and Gupta (2019) examined college students' motivation as a mediator of the relationship between parenting style and academic outcome. The results indicate that both perceived parenting style and motivation types are important as both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation act as partial mediators Stavrulaki, Li and Gupta (2019). Similarly, Masud et al., (2016) conducted a study on the mediating role of self-efficacy theory of motivation with respect to Pakistan. The finding show only authoritative parenting style mediates the relationship between parenting style and academic performance. Although there is an agreement about the importance of parental involvement in students' academic success (Eccles, 2007), there are still some ambiguities in the literature about the type of parental styles that contribute to school success (Fan & Williams, 2010). Zong, Zhang and Yao (2018) investigated the relationship between children's perception of different dimensions of parental involvement, where parenting style play a key role. Parents' associate with their children at home, involve at school and at the academic socialization, where parenting style is vital predictor towards the achievement in academic success. Different parents' use different parenting styles (Baumrind, 1991) to guide and motivate their children (Trzesniewski, 2018), Based on Baumrind's model of parenting styles, the majority of studies conclude that the authoritative parenting style is the most efficient to enhance academic achievement (Checa and Abundis-Gutierrez, 2018). # h) Academic Causal Factors There are factors affecting student motivation and student academic achievement/performance considerably on the basis of establishing effective and efficient learning-teaching process in education systems (Suhag, Larik, Tagar and Solangi, 2016). The studies show many motivational factors (psychological, social and cultural): Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, parental involvement and styles, peer pressure, self-efficacy expectations, effort, learning strategies, teaching style # Global Journal of Management and Business Research Volume XXI Issue I Version I Year 2021 ( ) and school environment (Brophy 1998; Singh, Granville and Dika, 2002). Researches indicates that teachers' knowledge and skills, motivation level, qualifications, forms of evaluation, teaching style, quality of enthusiasm and enthusiasm can contribute to the motivation of the learners (Yulianti et al., 2020). The more enthusiastic, motivated and qualified teachers are in teaching and evaluating, the greater the capacity to increase learners' motivation to learn (Williams and Williams, 2011). Borich (2011) argues that positive feedback can be a motivating factor in his research, and teacher praise motivates him to imitate what he sees in his students, so getting positive feedback is a confidence building. For this reason, a student will want to praise again when he is praised by a teacher, and he will continue to be more willing to do the same. Academic casual factors includes learning environment and teaching practices fields where which includes teacher's classroom management skills, teaching methods applied, managing student behaviour, communicating with students, engaging students in learning, school environment has an influence on students' performance. Yilmaz, Sahin, Turgut (2017), revels that these factors considerably affect the student motivation and student performance establishing effective and efficient teaching-learning process in education systems. Mubeen and Reid (2014) argue that there is almost an implication that motivation can be managed by the class teacher and learning environment. Although teachers can influence motivation of a student, but the other factors cannot be managed by the class teacher. Thus, teaching practice as dimension of the academic causal factors, has a significant relationship with student motivation and student performance. # i) Student Motivation, Student Performance and Academic Causal Factors One of the most important areas affecting student motivation is the factor of classroom management skills of the teacher Elliot (2017). According to Evertson and Weinstein, (2016) effective classroom management is a practice that enhances the students' independent learning abilities, productivity and achievement, and the most important purpose is to prevent teaching and learning process from being interrupted and to continue in a well-organized teaching and learning environment. Yilmaz, Sahin and Turgut (2017) revealed that significant correlation between academic causal factors and student motivation in the relationship towards student performance and which moderates the relationship. Teachers may serve as social agents, and they can contribute to students' intellectual and socio-emotional experiences by creating a classroom setting that stimulates student motivation and learning. Studies have shown that through the teaching practice, positive teacher-student relationships can lead to a warm classroom environment that facilitates successful adaptation to school and thereby moderates student motivation to learn (Baker, 2006;Davis, 2006;Koca, 2016). Therefore, it is crucial to understand the effects of the quality of teacher-student interaction on students' motivation to learn. According to Bayraktar's research (2015), in order to create an effective teaching and learning atmosphere in a classroom, it has been achieved that teacher's effective use of methods, techniques, tools and materials in relevant teaching field has an important effect on student motivation. By using exciting and unique teaching techniques during training, the trainers better adapt the students to the lesson, which enables them to get the motivation for success (Bolkan and Goodboy, 2010). Anna, Davula and Bellamkonda (2016) have proved that the students have a direct positive effect on satisfaction, loyalty and motivation. Hence, learning environment at school and student motivation has been associated with continuous academic achievement. Positive significant relationship appeared between the teacher's teaching experience and performance implied that teachers who have developed greater cognitive abilities tend to generate better learner performance. Mubeen and Reid (2014) argue that there is almost an implication that motivation can be managed by the class teacher and learning environment. Although teachers can influence motivation of a student, but the other factors cannot be managed by the class teacher. Thus, teaching practice as dimension of the academic causal factors, moderates student motivation and student performance. # j) Student Performance Performance in school is evaluated in a number of ways. For regular grading, students demonstrate their knowledge by taking written and oral tests, performing presentations, turning in homework and participating in class activities and discussions (Arulmoly and Branavan, 2017). Teachers evaluate in the form of letter or number grades and offer comments to describe how well a student has done or back up the specific grade that was given. Additionally, in a written assignment, the teacher may also offer feedback and guidance on improving the writing. At the state level, students are evaluated by their performance on standardized tests geared toward specific ages and based on a set of achievements students in each age group are expected to meet. It is very important for all stakeholders in the educational system to identify the factors affecting student's academic success. The study revealed that parental factors and student self-studying/motivation as the most influential factors at student level (Damayanthi, 2018). Arulmoly and Elankumaran (2017) examined that parental involvement has a significant relationship with the student motivation towards their children's performance at the school. # Development of a Conceptual Model Towards a better performance of a student, parental involvement plays a key role in students learning journey ( The study helps us to accept hypothesis that there is a relationship between parental involvement and their children's academic achievement. Amponsah, Milledzi, Ampofo & Gyambrah, (2018) also stated that there is a significant positive relationship between parental involvement and students' academic performance. Furthermore, Hussain, Javaid, Parveen & Iqbal (2018) and Ambachew, Amare, & Geleta (2018) revealed that there was strong positive and significant relationship between parental involvement and academic performance of students. Sharma s. and Sharma d. (2018) found that there were significant correlations between motivation and academic performance among students. According to Azizo?lu et al. (2015) and Orhan-Özen (2017) motivation has a positive effect on student performance. Nauzeer S. and Jaunky V. (2019) have shown that there are causal relationships between motivation and student academic performance. Yilmaz, Sahin and Turgut (2017) revealed that significant correlation between academic causal factors and student motivation in the relationship towards student performance and which moderates the relationship. Núñez, Regueiro, Suárez, Piñeiro, Rodicio & Valle (2019) study reveals the total mediation of student motivation in the relationship between the parental involvement and student performance. Chen, Kong, Gao & Mo (2018) reveals the mediation of student motivation in the relationship between the parental socioeconomic status and student performance. Hamid, Shakil, Ali, Ahmad (2019) reveals in their study that the total mediation of student motivation in the relationship between the parenting style and student performance. Based on the review of literature, involvement and style of parents on student motivation towards student performance by considering academic causal factors, the following conceptual framework was developed. # Conclusion Parental involvement is partaking of parents in their children's educational process with an aim of improving their academic and social well-being. Education is a power that influences individuals' lives. Parents' participation in the education process can increase the performance of their children. The more parents engage with their children, the higher scores their children achieve. Parenting has been one of the main focuses in developmental and educational fields and much theories has been advanced about parents' personal and social factors that better foster children's growth and development. Particularly in adolescence there are several developmental and contextual transformations as well as challenges that affect not only adolescents but also their parents. As per the literature, parental involvement is represented by six dimensions such as parenting, parenting, facilitating learning at home, communicating with the school, volunteering at the school, participating in school decision making and collaborating with the community, are well documented. Parenting styles are the manner in which parents rear their children. Parents want their children to grow into socially mature individuals. To discover the best way to accomplish this they adopt varying parenting styles. As per the literature, parenting styles have identified as three dimensions, namely; authoritative, authoritarian and permissive. These three dimensions such are well documented in the literature. Both parental involvement and parenting styles affect student performance as per the literature. Further, it significantly predicts student academic achievement. Parents as the prime educators and the first agents of socialization and exposing children to the social and academic world should play a leading role in supporting their children's education. Lack of parent's attention affects better performance of their children at examinations. If children are motivated by their parents by getting involved in their learning journey, children tend to continue to perform successfully at their educational attainments. Since the motivation deals with the human behavior and cognitive development parents should be involved in the educational development of their children that will eventually enable them to be more productive in the society. Academic casual factors includes learning environment and teaching practices fields where which includes teacher's classroom management skills, teaching methods applied, managing student behavior, communicating with students, engaging students in learning, school environment has an influence on students' performance. Less research attention has been given to the theoretical blend of parental involvement, parenting style, student motivation, academic causal factors and students' academic performance in a single research work. Although declining trends in parental involvement student performance as children proceed to high school is questionable because of the inconsistent findings of studies related to this relationship. More research is needed to understand about the student motivation for the purpose of enhancing the parental involvement towards student performance. Several countries have examined the impact of parental involvement and parenting styles on student performance. Yet, as per the literature, lack of research attention has been given to the theoretical blend of parental involvement and parenting style towards students' academic performance in developing countries. Student performance is viewed as one of the key elements in developing the human capital of a country. Therefore, further research needs to be carried out, especially in developing countries. A conceptual model was introduced by following the above discussed background. 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