# Introduction here are different brand of laptops available in market such a, HP, Dell, Acer, sonny and Samsung. In the time of new technology, laptops are very important for students, researchers and businessman etc. But in the scientific competition it is not very easy for students to select a superiority brand. In this study Dell became the first company in the information technology industry to establish a product recycle goal in (2004). In the recent years 2012-13 Dell laptop has 20% of market share in Pakistan. Before purchasing the products, every customer supposed the superiority of a product, customer set some stander about superiority before purchasing the required product, unluckily when customer not found their perceived superiority; they switch to another brand so this is a big loss of a company to lose its customer. Earlier experiential researches in this field tend to emphasize on these, perceived service, mediating role of perceived value and superiority customer satisfaction (Malik, 2012). There is the impact of loyalty and perceived price fairness on customer satisfaction (Bei and Chiao, 2011). It has been found that there is also the relationship between brand effect, behavioral loyalty and brand trust (Gecti and Zengin, 2013). Research on services superiority and customer satisfaction (Agbor, 2011) argued that it has not been seen the relationship of customer perception with effect of purchase intention, because it has massive effect on the customer satisfaction, when customer is satisfied with product superiority, it must purchase with high intensity. Customer satisfaction is the pleased mood to the performance of product after they use it (caruana et al., 2002). It is regular movement of companies to carry out customer satisfaction survey to know customer point of view (Frank and Enkawa, 2007). Consumer has some perception about the superiority of product, because superiority of product ensures the product reliability, sustainability and durability. The focus of brand superiority is based on findings that there is strong positive relationship between brand superiority and brand purchase (Chaudhary and Holbrook, 2001). If product actual outcome go beyond from consumer expectation, the consumer will be satisfied or else if prospect exceed result, consumer will be displeased (Szymanski and Hendard, 2001). # a) Research Gap Purpose of this study to examine the effect of product perceived superiority, which effects on consumer purchase intention and its satisfaction. Here customer satisfaction is working as the inner feeling of customer, if customer is satisfied with the product he becomes loyal and post purchases the product in future. # b) Research Important The findings of the study will be help full in providing insight into consumer perception about product superiority as well as its level of satisfaction. Also, the findings of this study will provide useful information for Business to help develop an effective marketing strategy to promote impulse buying and ultimately increase profitability. # Research questions The main focus of this research is on customer satisfaction which directly impacts on purchase intention, keeping in mind this important factor following research questions are arises: 1. How the perceived quality of product impacts customer satisfaction in order to make the purchase intention? 2. What is the impact of customer satisfaction on purchase intention? 3. How this research will help to get customer satisfaction for the sake of purchase intention? II. # Literature Review Perceived superiority is defined as consumer finding about a product performance and how this product compared with their expectation. Superiority can also be defined as the whole features and characteristics of a product or services that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs (Kotler et al., 2002). Perceived superiority view is dissimilar from manufactures based and product based approach. Most organizations approve their superiority description from market point of view (main 1994). Consumer's perception of product superiority is compared with their anticipation. Customers calculate product superiority in terms of how much happiness they received from that product (jiang and wang, 2006). On the other version, brand reliability is estimated to impact the perceived superiority of the product (Erdem and Swait, 1998). Perceived superiority could be defined as the consumer finding about a product on the whole supremacy and excellence (zeithaml, 1988). In marketing customer satisfaction is the most important result of marketing practice and occupies a significant position in both observation and theory (Churchill and Surprenant, 1982). Before the position of organizational arrangement and strategies the customers are the early aspect measured by managements. The questions asked in the strategic forecast ranges from who will require to consume these offers, where are they and for how much can they buy to how to attain the customers and will it suspend them maximum satisfaction? Customer' estimation of the product depends on its demand and the accessibility of alternative service in the marketplace and information available to the customer. Whether an organization provides superiority services or not it depend on the customers' feedback on the pleasure they get from consuming the products, since higher levels of superiority express to higher levels of customer satisfaction (Kotler and Keller, 2009). Satisfaction is differing from one person to a new as it is expensive. "One man's meal is another man's poison," an old saying avowed describing utility; thus significance the reality that it is at times very hard to satisfy everybody or to conclude satisfaction along with group of people (Reiman et al., 2008). # Product perception -Product expectation = perceived product Through this equation we describe the customer satisfaction and its effects, when customer gains its perceived superiority product it tend to customer satisfaction, it also tells that customer satisfaction can be managed and controlled by company superiority management. It is judgment that a product offers a pleasant level of utilization-associated fulfillment, consumer feel satisfactory after the convention of product (Zeithaml and Bitner, 1996). Customer satisfaction is a good or bad feeling of someone after comparing the product presentation he perceived with the expectation. Customers consume his effort, time and money to purchase the product so purchase intention has great importance in his life. Customers are always influenced by their preferences and perception in purchasing process. Perceived quality of a product as becomes "the estimation made by the consumer relying on the whole set of basic as well as outer dimension of the product or the service" (Grunert et al, 2001). Consumer behavior is quite different as the events that consumers task in searching for, using, purchasing, evaluating, and disposing of products that they think will assure their needs (Pelau, 2011). There are lots of factors that impact the consumers buying behavior, but dealer cannot control, such as individual, social, psychological and literary factors. In order to achieve target customers efficiently, these factors must be taken into consideration (Kotler et al. 2005). On the basis of actuality, persons make dealings and decisions, the marketers should recognize the whole concepts so, they can more readily conclude what influences consumers to buy (Kelley, 1950). Study of consumer judgment process is consequently extremely important for understanding consumer purchase intention (Puth, Mosert and Ewing 1999; Schiffman and Kank 1991). "An individual awake plan to make an attempt to purchase" The product relate with the quality perception (Spears & Singh, 2004). Product perceived quality directly influences to purchase intention. Customers have some perceptions about the product quality, price and styles before going to purchasing the product. After using of product, purchase intention increases as well as decreases, because it has direct relations which affect each other's. If the quality is high, purchase intention of customer is also high. (Rust and Oliver, 1994) proposed two differences between perceived quality and satisfaction. The customers considered perceived quality as a more specific concept based on product and service features. The company can have a degree of control over quality. So, it is suggested when perceived quality is regarded as overall assessments, then perceived quality is understood as the source of satisfaction (Llusar et al., 2001). The satisfaction is considered the most important constructs in marketing (Erevelles and Leavitt, 1992). Satisfaction plays the vital role in marketing because it is a good predictor of purchase behavior (McQuitty et al., 2000). Various theories have been developed in an effort to determine the construct and explain satisfaction in different compensation in products/services. # Global Journal of Management and Business Research Volume XV Issue I Version I # Year ( ) The quality of product is that which satisfies the needs of users which may include different features and it enhances the performance of the product (Dunk, 2002). A study by (Rao and Raghu Nathan, 1997) showed that the product quality is to understand and measure the requirements of the consumers. The evaluation of product by customer after the use is known as purchase intentions. The behavior is viewed as a key for Predicting consumers' purchasing behaviors as well as their intentions (Keller, 2001). A study by (Ghosh, 1990) proved that consumers choose one good but the finally result depends on their intention. According to (Aaker, 1996) that perceived quality predicts the level for the quality of entire product. There were past studies that exposed indirect influence between perceived product quality and purchase intentions through mediating variable of customer satisfaction (Cronin and Taylor, 1992 # Theoretical Frame Work # Independent variables dependent variable Figure 1 : Theoretical Frame Work This research model is very useful for manufacturers, which determine the needs of customer's perception regarding the changing technology and day-by-day changing demands of customers. Because customer satisfaction and purchasing level strongly dependent upon consumer flexible perception. This theoretical frame also shows the relationship between independent and dependent variables also. # IV. # Hypothesis After the deep study of literature following hypothesis are formulated: H1: Customer satisfaction directly positively influence on purchase intention. H2: Product perceived quality has positive influence on purchase intention. V. # Methodology Purpose of this study is to explore the effect of product perceived quality and its effect on consumer satisfaction and purchase intention. All the customers set some stander about the quality before purchasing, unfortunately when customers not found their perceived quality; they switch to another brand so this is a big loss of a company to lose its customer. Technology sector chosen as an object to observe the intention of customer purchased. What customer perceived the quality of mobile before purchasing, and how much they satisfy with that product? VI. # Selected Brand Dell laptop is investigated in this research. The reasons for this choice are that this brand is new and mostly adoptable. In this study Dell became the first company in the information technology industry to establish a products recycle goal in (2004). In the recent years 2012-13 Dell laptop has 20% of market share in Pakistan. With this growing popularity, the research analyzes the customer satisfaction and their perceived quality. # VII. # Population and Sample The entire number of people in a state or region is called population. Through this population we conduct our research, in Dera ghazi khan district there are many colleges and universities like commerce college, University of education campus, Agriculture University campus and Bahaudin zakariya university campus, Indus University. In this research paper the sample size of 130 students are targeted to collect the data about their perception of product quality before purchasing the dell laptop and how much they satisfies with that brand quality. # Time Dimension To collect the data cross sectional technique is used. Data is collected at once from the students. # IX. # Questionnaire Design and Measurement This paper contains three sections about measurements; the first section is about product perceived quality, in which we measure the customer point of view before purchasing the product, what they perceive about product. And the second section is about customer satisfaction, after purchasing the product. How much they satisfy with that product? Is that product is according to their perception or not? Is its quality according to their perception? And its last section is about purchase intention, in future the customer will purchase that product or not. # X. # Instruments A research questionnaire is used in order to examine the product perceived quality and purchase intention with customer satisfaction. These items are measured in 5 likert scale ranging from strongly agree (1), agree (2), Neutral (3), disagree (4) strongly disagree (5). This questionnaire contains 13 items in 3 variables on the bases of conceptual framework. This questionnaire is adopted by merging 5 Liked scale type of questionnaire. 5 items to measure product perceived quality were taken from the questionnaire (Ailwadi et al., 2001); ; (Rao et al. 1999) 3 items regarding customer satisfaction were taken from questionnaire used by (Oliver, 1999). # XI. # Statistical Tools The SPSS statistical tool was used in order to analyze the questionnaire items are mean, standard deviation, regression and correlation. In this research 130 questionnaires were distributed to the respondents and 122 complete were received. The demographic analysis shows that 70.5% were Males and 29.5% were females' respondents. The correlation analysis shows that there is positive significant relationship between Products perceived quality relation with customer satisfaction as the correlation value is 0.570 and also positive significant relationship has been found between customer satisfaction relations with purchase intention as the research result value is 0.663. e) Hypothesis test Product perceive quality for purchase intention and using the moderating customer satisfaction We use the statistical software for testing our hypothesis. In the first hypothesis the independent variable is product perceived quality and purchase intention is our depending variable and customer satisfaction as a moderating then we get results which is following # XII. # Results and Analysis # b) Age analysis # Hypothesis # Discussion The finding for this research shows that customer satisfaction does act as a partial mediating variable in the overall relationship between product perceived quality and purchase intention. All hypotheses are accepted on the basis of above results as product perceived quality has direct positive relation with purchase intention and customer satisfaction. The finding of positive relationship among these variables has confirmed that the peoples of D.G khan district are quality conscious; they give preference to quality product. They assess product quality in term of its durability, reliability and sustainability. XV. # Conclusion This study discovered that customer purchase intention is significantly related with customer satisfaction and perceived product quality. As the gap between perception and expectation is negative we can done that customer has more expectation than then they actual received. If management wants to enhance customers' satisfaction evaluations, it would be more valuable to influencing customers' perceptions of the product performance. # XVI. # Managerial Implications With respect to practical contribution, the result of this study can be used as a guideline by management to improve the product quality of their products. Specifically, the design and management of product quality may be enhanced if managers stress on the finding of this study. This study confirms that quality is an important contributor in customer satisfaction in Pakistan. In Pakistan should not only judge improving customer satisfaction but also intention on improving the customer perceptions of overall product quality and should increase consumer perception. Moreover, convincing customers that they are getting high quality from the firm should be a key advertising goal of the firm. In competitive environments, managers should not only focus on product quality which is just one side of the purchase equation, but also carefully assess their satisfaction it will be reflected in customers' evaluation purchase intention. They should be alerted to the fact that there might be tradeoffs required between increasing quality and increasing satisfaction. # XVII. Limitations and Future Directions In our research we use the quantitive technique and get122 response from male and female students of B.Z.U campus D.G.Khan and their age's from15 to above 30 years, product perceived quality is our independent variable and purchase intention is dependent variable and customer satisfaction as mediator. This research is conducted in D G khan district to use the sample of B.Z.U campus. Upon this study; there may be some suggestions for further studies. The scope of this research is to change variables as product availability, product value to use customer loyalty, customer trust as mediator. Furthermore, more complex models, which contain the relations between brand trusts, brand affect and the other impact of brand loyalty, might be examined. # Global Journal of Management and Business Research Volume XV Issue I Version I Year ( ) 25![Perceived Quality and Purchase Intention with Consumer Satisfaction © 2015 Global Journals Inc. (US) Journal of Management and Business Research Volume XV Issue I Version I Year ( )](image-2.png "Product 25 Global") III. 2YearVolume XV Issue I Version I( )Global Journal of Management and Business ResearchValid15-20 21-25 26-30 above 30Frequency Percent Valid Percent 25 20.5 20.5 91 74.6 74.6 4 3.3 3.3 2 1.6 1.6Cumulative Percent 20.5 95.1 98.4 100.0Total122100.0100.0 © 2015 Global Journals Inc. (US) © 2015 Global Journals Inc. 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