The findings allow identifying the perception of the teachers who indicate as important and very important in the management of the quality of higher education: Relevance and the Curricular Plan, followed by the Institutional Environment, the Students and the Academy. Likewise, the analysis of the students' information shows that the Curricular Plan and the Academy are relevant, followed by the criteria Relevance, Institutional Environment and Students.
In the context of COVID-19, teachers indicate that technological skills, respect in active interaction, and educational technology are important. Students prioritize teamwork and communication in the virtual education sessions and the time planning of the subjects.
The findings identify the Curricular Plan criterion as the fundamental aspect of the educational service for quality management in higher education in the Administration program.
Keywords: educational service, quality, COVID-19.
he COVID-19 pandemic dramatically disrupted face-to-face education, evidencing the fragility of the educational system at all levels; it accelerated the adoption of technology for the delivery of classes through virtual platforms and demanded a high use of the Internet. This singular disruption evidenced the fragility of the system in the face of technological resources, infrastructure, teachers not updated in Virtual Learning Environments (VLE) and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), learning objectives not evaluated, among the relevant ones. Similarly, different realities of the students were evidenced, such as lack of equipment, lack of connectivity, a single computer in the family, among others, a circumstance that widens the gap of inequality and exclusion.
In addition, the new virtual study modality demands a high level of self-discipline, it is observed that students postpone studying and sending assignments until just before the exam or delivery, which affects learning (Bianchi, Lu, & Song, 2020). This socioeconomic, health, environmental and values fragility, demands higher education organizations with face-to-face offerings to plan the best strategies so that the organizational Mission and Vision set forth is coherent, measurable and guarantees the positive impact of training for transformation towards the common good.
Quality education is a priority for the development of the global village and is revealed in the Sustainable Development Goals-SDGs (UN, 2019), and made explicit in Goal 4, Quality Education (UN, 2020). Additionally, Pope Francis proposes the Global Education Pact that seeks a personal and collective commitment under seven axes: centrality in the person, building a future of justice, peace and dignified life, participation, the family as educator, education for the most vulnerable and marginalized, new look at the study from the perspective of integral ecology and care of the common home, practicing subsidiarity and solidarity and circular economy, which are framed in the purpose of providing quality education (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2020).
The Archbishop of Tegucigalpa, Ã?"scar Andrés Rodríguez Maradiaga in the prologue of the book Luces para el camino Pacto Educativo Global (OIEC, 2020) in his reflection points out that, it is urgent to change the educational system and its spaces for a curriculum originated in life and in the contexts that educate in values where learning to be and to live together are the representation of humanism in all its dimensions, with human and loving educators that spread in daily practice the values they propose. Education must be understood and made as an integral management system, that is, to go beyond the classroom to connect with the family, the city and the common home.
The Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador PUCE, in its institutional philosophy is committed to: Christian Humanism, the Ignatian Perspective, the Integration of knowledge, the Centrality of the person and quality education for all, present in its Academic Project 2021-2025 (PA) with 9 educational lines: Students, Integral and integrative training, Alumni, Professors, Teaching, Research, Social linkage, Social recognition and Institutional context, to fulfill the Mission and Vision (PUCE, 2021).
Therefore, it is a challenge for Higher Education Institutions (HEI) to determine the best management model and means to achieve the quality of education for the 21st century, which allows them to fulfill their commitment through their own Quality Assurance and that of public entities and other international accreditors, since the world and its activities are marked by technological and climate change, inequality of opportunities and unbalanced demographic growth in the face of the new era or The Great Resumption (WEF, 2020).
In this context, the problem of this research is summarized in the following question: What is the perception of teachers and students, at the time of COVID-19, regarding the educational service and quality assurance in the Management career, accredited and certified?
In view of the integral challenges that must be faced, the objective of this study is to identify the perception of teachers and students regarding the educational service and quality assurance in the COVID-19 period, of the accredited and certified Administration career, belonging to a prestigious university in Ecuador with an Ignatian educational model, during the year 2020.
To meet the outlined objective, the study focuses on the Business Administration career of a Jesuit University of Ecuador and puts under the magnifying glass of students and teachers the criteria of the accreditation processes at the national and international level, supported by the platform of the Integrated Management System ISO 9001:2015.
In the first part, the guiding light that constitutes the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) proposed until 2030, Goal 4, which ratifies the centrality of the system in the person and frames efforts for a comprehensive quality education for all, is exposed. In addition, reference is made to the Global Pact on Education as the hope of Pope Francis for the transformation and development of education and the world. A second part addresses the criteria used for quality assurance through the process of national and international accreditation. The third part refers to the analysis of the information obtained through the measurement instrument that evidences the criteria and sub-criteria of the models and the opinion of students and teachers regarding the educational service framed in an ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System. In addition, the perception of the hybrid learning modality is obtained because of the COVID-19.
The problems raised inspire further research on the commitment to strengthen quality higher education for the construction of a just and fraternal world that respects human dignity after the pandemic.
Education represents one of the most important pillars within society, due to the permanent dynamism it imprints on global progress and the standard of living of the population. Due to the pandemic, education has been threatened by the radical change in the way of life of all, transforming the traditional educational models to respond to the new reality, without neglecting the quality and importance of this right.
The United Nations (UN), in 2015 enacted 17 SDGs to be met by 2030 with the purpose of ending poverty, protecting the planet, and improving the lives and prospects of people globally (UN, 2015). Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all stands out. As stated by the UN, more than 91% of students were affected due to the pandemic and the temporary closure of schools, representing a threat to education in general and to the Sustainable Development Agenda. Goal 4 is transversal to the other SDGs, because by having the possibility of accessing quality education, the population can escape the cycle of poverty and reduce inequalities (UN, 2020).
To protect quality education, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in March 2020, initiated the Global Coalition for Education COVID-19 creating a platform for the exchange and protection of the right to distance education during this period of transformation in which about 1.5 billion students were affected by the closure of schools and universities (UNESCO, 2020). This Coalition is based on three principles: connectivity, faculty, and gender; in addition, members are encouraged to protect students' personal information, privacy and security, very important points that certify quality education and the positive perception of students and teachers.
Due to the pandemic, educational systems worldwide suffered an imbalance and have demonstrated the inequality that exists both at the level of educational and technological opportunities, in this sense, Pope Francis has called on educational institutions, both Catholic and non-Catholic, and all members of society, to be part of the transformative power of education through the Global Education Pact that seeks a personal and collective commitment under seven axes: prioritizing the person; listening to the voice of children, adolescents and youth to build a future of justice and peace, and a dignified life; participation of girls in education, counting on the family as an educating pillar; educating in order to welcome the most vulnerable and marginalized people; generating new ecological perspectives on politics, the economy and progress through education; and, conserving and safeguarding the environment through the circular economy and solidarity (ICCS, 2020).
The institutional philosophy of PUCE, framed in Christian humanism, Ignatian perspective, integration of knowledge, centrality of the person and education for all, sustains the Academic Project (PA) 2021-2025 and its realization will confirm the quality of the University focusing on nine educational lines: Students, Integral and Integrative Formation, Alumni 1 1 PUCE's Graduate Network , Professors, Teaching, Research, Social Linkage, Social Recognition, and the Institutional Context. In addition, these educational lines constitute the basis for the 22 indicators of the institutional quality model.
The PA maintains that quality education for all is possible and desirable, and that the center of the university is outside the university, in the local and international environment, to have a creative impact on improving the lives of those who need it most through human and academic excellence.
In the educational line of students, importance is given to welcoming young people interested in being part of the university, regardless of their social, economic, and ethnic conditions; the capacities for human, intellectual and social growth are valued; economic barriers for the admission and permanence of students are reduced according to institutional possibilities. It offers integral and integrative education, incorporates new technologies as educational tools, and offers third and fourth level education modalities, always in constant innovation with scientific, pedagogical, didactic and technological advances. In addition, it offers a flexible and multidisciplinary learning environment that stimulates and reaffirms student wellbeing.
For Alumni, continuing education courses are planned to enhance human and professional skills for life. The Teaching line, states that the teaching professor maintains a profile that allows the fulfillment of institutional aspirations, his vocation is cultivated and developed in conjunction with the University acquiring a permanent quality training. The institution values and supports the research work that contributes with new transforming knowledge for society, directly or indirectly. Similarly, the link with society is a significant axis for formative and scientific research with direct connection to the environment, which transcends to the international, is the way to put into practice the student's knowledge, in addition, the professional services offered by the University allow a positive impact on society.
The university has achieved national and international social recognition, companies and institutions that hire graduates know about the academic capabilities and the impact of PUCE in the community. Finally, the institutional context energized by the strategic direction, administrative support and resources and infrastructure generate a synergy to achieve the major institutional objectives (PUCE, 2021).
In March 2020, the world was disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic, affecting activities at all levels, including face-to-face education, which revealed inequality at its maximum expression and accelerated digitalization and automation without warning (DAVOS, 2021). Therefore, since education is the transforming force for the development of the world, concrete actions are required to guarantee the quality of education for all, aiming at the common good. Thus, HEIs are called upon to systemically evaluate governance and its impacts in this era of digital transformation that should aim at the greater good: the person and his or her wellbeing.
The prevailing trend of digital technology in educational processes must be redefined in its form and integrated into the methodology and didactics of the learner to improve educational processes and learning outcomes. In this context, open science will gain strength with researchers conducting their own projects in networks with scientific communities, globalizing the exchange and reuse of research data (OECD, 2016).
On the other hand, this growing dynamism of digitalization in the curriculum ratifies what was said by Father Arturo Sosa, SJ, Superior General of the Society of Jesus when he points out that the Ecosystem is digital and that educational centers have the challenge of creativity and a profound paradigm shift (Sosa, 2021).
In this regard, HEIs in their prospective did not plan for the current pandemic, therefore, at a global level the curriculum will be transformed to respond to the pending needs of the new era: health, inequality, welfare, education, economy, employment, care of the common home, aging of people, among others. The way we educate will be the answer to look at the environment and connect with the global to answer: What person do we want to educate, where will we educate that person, with whom or with whom will we build our community, what should we teach for the world, when should we teach, how to promote social linkage, learning and research for innovation and foresight, what skills do people need, how should they be evaluated, how much does a qualification reflect competencies, what are the new jobs, and other questions will arise because educational quality has no end. However, the answers will contribute to this longedfor quality.
The World Declaration on Higher Education in the 21st Century (UNESCO, 1998) in Article 11, states that the quality of higher education is a concept that includes all university work in its functions and activities. This statement has gained strength in HEIs over the last decades, due to the rapid response to the quality assurance of educational programs through the achievement of national and international accreditations.
In Ecuador, the Organic Law of Higher Education (LOES) determines that the Council for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (CACES) will be the body that permanently evaluates the quality of HEIs for the purpose of accreditation of their careers and programs, without prejudice that they also obtain international accreditations or certifications (LOES, 2018). Of the 55 Ecuadorian universities, 52 achieved accreditations according to the final institutional evaluation report of CACES, on October 25, 2020, according to Article 94 of the LOES reformed in August 2018. Those not accredited, will present a continuous improvement plan, and will be accompanied by the control body (CACES, 2020).
Just as the educational system is being transformed by the new era, accreditation models will respond to the educational crisis with the systemic review of accreditation models, considering the digital transformation in educational processes, socioeconomic impacts, climate change, and the individual as the center and protagonist of the system.
The Ibero-American Network for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (RIACES), works for the evaluation, assurance and quality of HEIs in Ibero-America, stating that there is no universal agreement on quality, but the focus is on the training processes of people, according to the program and the ability to comprehensively transform the education system in accordance with the expectations of society. In addition, accreditation measures quality with respect to the levels of standards without a hierarchical order (RIACES, 2003).
On the other hand, HEIs can choose to ensure quality through certifications oriented to efficient management with a focus on processes, effective leadership, analysis of the context, associated risks and the satisfaction of those who receive a service or stakeholder and the monitoring of continuous improvement, such as the international standard for Quality Certification ISO 9001:2015, developed by the International Organization for Standardization ISO (ISO 9001, 2015).
The criteria used by CACES (2019) to evaluate the quality of education in HEIs respond to a minimum comprehensive requirement for operation, motivating a culture of quality beyond the official requirements. The criteria or axes that are evaluated are: Teaching, Research, Linkage with the community and Institutional conditions, applied qualitatively and quantitatively from the end of 2019.
In Teaching, emphasis is given to the evaluation of professors' planning, tenure, training and academic support processes for students. In Research, the
The quality of higher education can be considered as the living part of HEIs that, from an educational model or academic project, builds the integral management ecosystem, supported by its own Educational Quality Model, which manifests the responsibility to fulfill, with innovative actions, the institutional Mission and Vision. Therefore, it would be assumed as a moral commitment to the quality of education, validated by experts outside the institution and not the strict quantification of indicators. The conceptualization of the criteria and sub-criteria are included in Generic Model of Evaluation of the Learning Environment of Careers.
planning and execution of scientific and academic production, results in book publications, articles in indexed journals and relevant works are evaluated. Regarding Outreach, the measurement focus is centered on planning, execution and study of results that provide answers to the needs of the ecosystem. The three substantive functions of HEIs are complemented by the Institutional Conditions axis, a transversal aspect for the efficient fulfillment of the substantive functions (CACES, 2019).
The LOES 2018, in Article 93, states that educational quality must be based on the substantive functions in an articulated and balanced manner and guided by relevance and inclusion, democratization of access and equity, diversity, responsible autonomy, integrality, democracy, knowledge production, dialogue of knowledge, and citizen values (LOR LOES, 2018). This, derives from the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador in Art. 350 which states: The purpose of the higher education system is academic and professional with a scientific and humanistic vision; scientific and technological research; innovation, promotion, development and dissemination of knowledge and cultures; the construction of solutions to the problems of the country, in relation to the objectives of the development regime (CONSTITUTION OF THE REPUBLIC OF ECUADOR 2008, 2015).
Certifying and accrediting the quality of education is a pending issue for some HEIs due to the limited focus on the fulfillment of indicators, although the real responsibility lies in understanding and working with an integral educational planning, to empower the person as a global citizen that has an impact on the transformation for the common good.
In agreement, Pope Francis points out: Thinking about education is thinking about future generations and the future of humanity; therefore, it is something that is deeply rooted in hope and requires generosity and courage (CPAL, 2021, p. 13).
The research is mixed, with an exploratory phase with a qualitative approach through documentary reviews and analysis of scientific publications. The study is complemented with a conclusive-descriptive phase, with a quantitative approach through surveys of teachers and students, which allowed the objectives to be met.
The conceptual study begins with the framework approach of the SDGs, agenda 30, Goal 4, complemented by Pope Francis' call for educational institutions to join the Global Education Pact to support the transformation of society that cannot be postponed. Likewise, and in consideration of the specific sample, the institutional mission of PUCE is explained, represented in the PA 2021-2025, framed in the Ignatian principles that are with determining action in the current context of the pandemic, facing the teaching-learning process. In addition, the digital transformation in the educational system is exposed as a necessary element in the formation of the person in the digital era. In the same line, an approach is made to the educational quality assurance through accreditations and certifications and, the observation of universal precepts centered on the person as the foundation of the educational system.
The surveys were applied in the Business Administration career of PUCE, with ISO 9001:2015 certification and accredited by the Accreditation Council of Administrative, Accounting and Related Sciences of Mexico, for a population of 43 teachers and 320 students. The sample of 39 teachers and 179 students was determined with 5% error and 95% confidence, however, the valid responses were 41 teachers and 203 students, exceeding the sample.
The instrument used for teachers made it possible to identify the importance of the criteria in the educational system, while the instrument applied to students made it possible to establish satisfaction with the criteria surveyed. The questionnaires contain general information about the respondent, single-choice multiple-choice questions with a 5-point Likert scale, which describe the criteria and sub-criteria of quality assurance. Finally, it is complemented with questions that allow recording the perception of teachers and students on the affectation of the educational system at the time of COVID-19.
The analysis of the results of the general information of the respondent, of the specific sample of teachers shows that 68.29% are male and 31.71% are female. Likewise, it was found that 82.92% of the teachers are between 41 and 60 years old. On the other hand, the results of 201 students correspond to 60.70% female and 39.30% male, with the female gender showing more interest in the survey. Students between 17 and 20 years of age represent 59.70%, followed by 21 to 25 years with 35.32%; finally, with 4.98% between 26 and 30 years of age. Students from the first to the fourth level represent 44.78% of the sample, while those from the fifth to the ninth level represent 55.22%.
The results of the study are grouped according to the Generic Model of evaluation of the learning environment of careers with the CACES criteria, Relevance, Curricular Plan, Academy, Institutional Environment and Students, as detailed below:
A. Relevance: It refers to the capabilities that a career must respond to the demands of the environment, contributing to national planning for development and to the reduction of gaps in priority and emerging sectors (CACES, 2017). In this first section, the study focuses on the subcriteria of Profession and Context, in this way, teachers evaluate the Profession, with 97.57%, the importance of this subcriterion supported by the curricular design of the career to achieve the professional profile according to the current labor market is noticed. The sub-criterion Context focuses on the direction, strategic planning, and participation in the programs of Linkage with society, indicated as important and very important with 91.46%. When averaging the values of the Relevance criterion, it can be established that the teachers consider it important and very important with 94.51%. On the other hand, for students the average value of the criterion relevance is 63.19%, in the options satisfied and totally satisfied.
The academic formation of the student in the different disciplines represents the way to manage and the way to generate knowledge and strengthen the competencies and values of the students for a given career. The Curricular Plan is articulated through the subcriteria Mesocurricular and Microcurricular. A 92.69% of the teacher's state that the Mesocurriculum is important and very important, whose key standard is the curriculum of the careers offered. The Micro-curriculum sub-criterion, which integrates the analytical programs, practices, and laboratories of the subjects, obtained a rating of 87.81% in the same options. In the general average of the Curricular Plan, the teachers consider it as important and very important with 90.24%. The students indicate in 65.17% of average, to be satisfied and totally satisfied with the established curriculum, so that it can guarantee the quality in the professional formation.
The Academy Criterion is fundamental in the teaching-learning process due to the interaction of teachers and students that results in the generation of knowledge, the fulfillment of learning objectives and the integral formation of the student, according to the institutional Educational Model (CACES, 2019). According to the instrument applied in this study, the findings respond to the subcriteria: Teaching quality, Dedication and Scientific production; teachers' rate as important and very important the teaching quality with 86.99%, taking into account the degree, qualification, experience, teaching evaluation. In second order, the dedication of teachers is indicated as important and very important, with 79.67%, which relates to the allocation of students per teacher for academic tutoring, follow-up to the degree, working conditions; followed by academic production with 73.66% related to research and academic domains, mobility, collaborative practices, dissemination, disclosure, and values as a daily example. In general average, the results of the Academic criterion are considered by the teachers with 80.11% as important and very important. The students rate in general average the criterion, with 65.17% to the options satisfied and totally satisfied.
The Institutional Environment criterion should provide support to the three substantive functions (CACES, 2017). The study analyzes the subcriteria Academic management, Bibliographic fund and, Laboratories, simulation centers and workshops. The teachers consider in 93.90% that the bibliographic fund is the most important, even more so if one considers the character of confinement experienced by the students due to the pandemic. This is followed by the academic management subcriterion with 82.58% and laboratories, simulation centers and workshops with 77.24%. On the other hand, for 68.16% of students in the sample, the bibliographic fund is also relevant, followed by academic management with 54.39% and laboratories, simulation centers and workshops with 53.07%. The availability of appropriate learning environments, resources, and an efficient and effective academic management, strengthen the quality of teaching and learning. In general average, on the part of the teachers, the study shows the Institutional Environment criterion with 84.57% as important and very important; 58.54% of the students indicate that they are satisfied and very satisfied.
HEIs face a continuously changing environment accelerated by the availability of knowledge and technology; the concepts and principles of quality contained in the family of ISO 9000 Standards support the quality management of educational services, recognizing that the student or customer conceptualizes quality as something more than satisfaction, which directly impacts the reputation of the organization (ISO 9000, 2015). The criterion Students is made up of the subcriteria Student Participation and Efficiency; the punctual sample records that teachers in the options important and very important assign to the subcriterion efficiency 85.37% and to student participation 80.84%. The students in 50.25% are satisfied and very satisfied with the subcriterion student participation with respect to the conditions provided by the institution that positively influence their performance. In general average, the results of the criterion Students for teachers accumulate 81.40% as important and very important. In general average, students rate the criterion with 50.25% for the options satisfied and totally satisfied.
The prolonged closure of educational centers due to COVID-19 has been a challenge for students, teachers and parents. On May 7, 2020, the Higher Education Council (CES) amended the Transitory Regulations for the Development of Academic Activities in HEIs in response to the state of emergency due to the health emergency. The CES incorporates in the Regulations the hybrid modality, which prioritizes the autonomous learning of students, to facilitate the access of students who, due to lack of connectivity, cannot attend classes synchronously and in real time (CES, 2020).
The survey inquiries about the factors that make up the education process with hybrid modality that combines face-to-face and remote education through EVA virtual learning environment platforms using the Internet to provide the educational service in synchronous and asynchronous sessions; the results are analyzed according to the priority established by teachers and students.
Among the factors studied, teachers perceive three relevant factors rated as important and very important: the technological skills demanded by virtual education and respect in the interaction of participants with 95.12%; the educational technology that supports virtual education with 92.68%. On the other hand, students' rate as satisfied and totally satisfied the time planning for the virtual education process (71.14%), the respect in the interaction of the participants (66.17%), the fulfillment of the learning results (65.67%) and the participation of the students in the collaborative work in the virtual classroom (65.17%).
The Holy Father in his message at the Symposium for the launch of Mission 4.7 and the Global Pact on Education, organized by the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences and the UN in Vatican City notes, " the heart of the Sustainable Development Goals is the recognition that quality education for all is a necessary foundation for protecting our common home and fostering human fraternity." Also, it states that governments must ensure inclusive, equitable and quality education, promoting lifelong learning opportunities, and for all (VATICAN NEWS, 2020). In the same way, in its call to the Global Pact for Education, it highlights the need to create a commitment to give life to an educational project that is managed with energy, initiating creative and transformative processes that involve all components of society, leaving aside the individualistic culture to make way for a change in the currently affected educational system (Lobos, 2020).
In relation to Relevance, teachers express the relevance of the two sub-criteria studied, Profession and Context. The importance of the subcriteria is ratified because it responds to the needs of the social environment, processes of knowledge generation and human training, with a focus on employability and entrepreneurship, supported by the structure and organization of the career, with a short-, medium-and long-term vision, and framed in the institutional philosophy and strategic objectives. The commitment to transformation, social development and a dignified life will depend on its relevance. On the other hand, students are moderately satisfied in their responses to these criteria, which leads to an immediate commitment to reinvent the educational process based on COVID-19.
Regarding the Curricular Plan criterion, with the subcriteria Mesocurriculum and Microcurriculum, they structure the curriculum according to the educational needs and expectations of society for the resolution of problems and social transformation. The Mesocurriculum with the disciplines for the generation of knowledge will attend the process of knowledge generation while the Microcurriculum is the means to make the process successful with the methodological design, practices and laboratories, evaluation methods, fulfillment of learning objectives, digital supports, transversalized by values. The articulation of the curricular plan, as pointed out by students and teachers, constitutes success factors for the formation of global citizens. When students state that they are moderately satisfied with the established curriculum, the need for an immediate transformation of the curricular plans to adapt them to current needs is confirmed.
The results with respect to the Academy criterion, allow teachers and students to place the subcriteria quality and dedication of the teacher as relevant in the educational process. This response confirms that the interrelation of the main actors, teacher-student, is decisive because of the impact of the teacher towards a connection with the student that gives way to an answer or a problem of the environment and the world. The commitment, leadership, competencies and permanent training of the teacher are defining for this link so that there is a communion and a sharing with the student as a protagonist and he/she feels accompanied as far as he/she wants to go. The Academy is the way to reflect the philosophy of PUCE: Christian humanism, Ignatian perspective, integration of knowledge, centrality of the person and quality education for all (PUCE, 2021).
The educational system depends on the strategic and operational framework of the institutional context to form citizens of the world and for this it requires management elements such as: an effective integrated system of academic, administrative and financial management; digital support tools for the teaching-learning process, libraries open to the world, internet connectivity throughout the campus, quality culture based on continuous improvement, shared planning, equal opportunities, direct relationship with the world of work, strengthening values by example, flexibility in the processes, among others, that facilitate the processes of a lifelong education. According to CACES 2019, these are essential scenarios and resources for the functioning of an IES and, therefore, for the implementation of its substantive functions.
Volume XXI Issue XII Version I Year 2021 ( )
In this context, teachers and students point out the importance of the Bibliographic Fund, in accordance with the need to have sufficient sources of consultation and research, increasing its impact, due to the new study modality because of the pandemic. For teachers, academic management is also relevant, as well as laboratory services, simulation centers and workshops, while the latter are more important for students and highlight their dissatisfaction.
The criterion Students defined by CACES considers that HEIs must guarantee conditions that positively influence the wellbeing and performance of students and members of the academic community; teachers and students alike perceive that the attention provided to students in academic tutoring and/or accompaniment is of vital importance in face-to-face mode and even more so during COVID-19. The followup of the graduation process is a concern for all the IES, which is ratified by the responses of the students who rated terminal efficiency moderately. Another factor to be considered for review is the process of granting the socioeconomic scholarship, a means by which quality education for all would be achieved. The activities linked to the community for students are the best way to bring the student to the reality of the environment and contribute to the integral formation, by allowing early participation in the problems of the community and being part of the solution.
In order to identify the perception of teachers and students regarding the educational service and quality assurance in COVID-19, the second part of the survey investigates visible aspects within the teachinglearning process with hybrid modality, among which the following stand out: the technological skills required, respect in synchronous interaction, the educational technology that supports the hybrid modality, time planning, compliance with learning outcomes and student participation in collaborative work.
Most teachers consider that technological skills are tested in this modality, the results (95.12%) indicate that they had to be trained in the use of learning management systems such as Moodle, Blackboard, Bright space, Google Education and others and in distance learning communication software such as, for example, Zoom, Adobe Connect, Skype, Webex and Teams (University of Ottawa, 2021). Teachers between 41 and 60 years of age (82.93%), considered as technological migrants, require more training and updating to be competent in the technological skills required for classroom operation, as well as in the preparation of materials, study guides, practical workshops, interactive forums, evaluations, among others.
A concern for teachers (95.12%) and students (66.17%) is the practice of respect in the interaction in the hybrid model of training as shown in the data; rules and norms must be clear and accepted by all, UNESCO's Education Sector thematic notes suggest that in addition to imparting knowledge, the hybrid modality can help students develop important social and emotional skills, such as empathy, teamwork, collaboration, resilience, proactivity, initiative and responsible behavior in contexts where they have to take risks and make decisions (UNESCO, 2020).
The educational technology that supports the hybrid modality, demands HEIs to invest efforts and resources in the operation of EVA systems, teachers highlight its importance (92.68%) as it constitutes the fundamental tool that supports virtual education; the Moodle platform used at PUCE is a free access learning management system, it allows organizing courses, group discussions, questionnaires and calendar among other applications; in this environment training is the challenge for teachers and administrators (MOODLE, 2020).
This path of the study is aligned with the institutional strategy contained in PUCE's AP and allows the university to quickly and efficiently coordinate the educational service with the participation of the university community and associated stakeholders in order to transfer the face-to-face nature to the training process in hybrid mode.
The transformation process and strategies began with the pandemic, in the context of regrettable events such as the loss of jobs; interruption of studies of children, young people and adults; increase in poverty; increase in inequality, precariousness in health, crisis in all areas and a face-to-face education system with no guarantees in learning. Therefore, the accelerated incorporation of digital technology is not everything; the challenge is to innovate to attend and serve people, especially the discarded, and this feeling must be born in the classroom, to be projected in the great global village as teachers and students point out when placing the Curriculum Plan as the relevant criterion of the educational process.
The methodologies for transformation cannot come only from the change of subjects, number of hours, organization of learning (in contact with the teacher, experimental practice, autonomous learning); a change of vision is needed to establish new paradigms that ensure the transforming power of education towards a new culture that influences and changes the reality of the present social debt. The view must be reflective and be situated from the global to the local with all the actors of the national and international educational ecosystem; collaborative work in a network will make it possible for the objective of the Global Compact to be fulfilled. education system that can adapt and show itself in accordance with the current needs of the world, with a positive impact on society through quality education for all and focused on values, considering the person as the center of the educational ecosystem. This is reflected in the PEDI as a strategic and operative element based on the PA 2021-2025, the Statute and complementary laws.
It opens the opportunity to reinvent and empower processes that supported by the Quality Management System ISO 9001:2015, collaboratively create an action plan in which transformational leadership allows an academic dialogue and the encounter in diversity so that the processes of the educational system are renewed, sustainable, and strengthened with an efficient, effective, and measurable management, potentiating the skills of the actors, digital competencies and ethics. Therefore, the search for quality in the management of educational processes and what has been learned during the pandemic period requires a model that, in addition to placing the person at the center of the activities, ensures the fulfillment of the institutional mission.
The traditional face-to-face educational system that was until 2019, the traditional one is no longer present. With this scenario opens the opportunity to analyze the new reality in education, especially in the face-to-face offer where those adaptations and technological transformations currently used have come to stay, as well as the ongoing training of teachers and administrative staff, the identification of realities in the university community, the processes in the educational service and the new citizen we want to form in accordance with the four pillars of education of UNESCO: Learning to know, learning to do, learning to live together and learning to be, prevailing the values and ideals of a culture of peace (UNESCO, 1994).
This article is part of the Call for Research PUCE 2019, line "Efficient and effective management of organizations for local and global sustainable competitiveness", academic domain "Economic policy, institutional competitiveness, innovation, entrepreneurship, productivity and leadership" by research professors and students of the Faculty of Administrative and Accounting Sciences, Quito.
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