Help the Teacher Give the Best of Himself

Table of contents

1. Introduction

he difference between a garden and a desert is not water, but man." Today, Human Resources are put on the scene; long kept away ; employees were relegated to the background. This general awareness is explained by the fact that it is men who create wealth in a world where technology is almost identical, and it is the human capital of a company that distinguishes it from its competitors in a marketplace, which has become more and more open and where free trade is taking hold and competitiveness continues to grow. Organizations around the world have the critical needs to be successful in participating in the competitive and competitive environment. Otherwise, they are doomed to disappear. The school considered as a company (Luboya, 2019) is also concerned by this state of affairs. They are required to put in place a good Human Resources Management policy, which inevitably incorporates the staff motivation policy. Thus, the schools must leave the industrial culture capitalism where the man was considered as a machine to enter the mode of production, where the intelligence and the creativity of the man are primordial resources. In this context, schools are now seeking to develop adequate profiles for their jobs, motivated and committed individuals able to meet the challenge of development and success.

Focused on employees and their work environment; managers have become more interested in the social climate and the link between employees and their work environment, that is to say, the factors that encourage employee engagement with their work, they were also interested in wage policies and compensation systems that have a significant impact on this resource after understanding that a motivated employee is more likely to show loyalty to his organization, surpass himself and make the most effort possible at work. The motivation of the staff is part of the effective strategies that a manager must mobilize, to encourage the employees to work or to be involved. In short to be effective in the production of goods and services quantitatively and qualitatively profitable to the employee himself, to his company, and even to the national and international community.

Given the complexity related to the concept "motivation," integrating, on the one hand, the factors that encourage the individual to lead to real involvement (zeal, diligence on the work, and on the other hand, through its roots that find their sources in the unconscious. We will not, in this study, reduce the motivational policy of the company, only in terms of economic or financial incentive (salary, bonuses, etc.) and working conditions, bases of the satisfaction of extrinsic, physiological or safety needs, but also to examine this policy by integrating the other aspects of motivation which aim to satisfy social needs, selfesteem, self-realization and self-realization.

The non-optimization of these aspectscan lead to the dissatisfaction of human operators, thus reducing their performance within the organization or causing their stress at work. Factors of motivation in its diversity have drawn our attention to its practice towards Congolese teachers. What prompted us to ask, for this study, the following questions: (1) does the motivational policy of the personnel as practiced in schools in DR Congo respect the standards laid down for the motivation of teachers ? (2) Does this policy lead to satisfaction and involvement of teachers at work? (3) what are the factors that need to be considered to improve this policy? To answer these research questions, we set prior objectives that are general and specific. This study aims to show Congolese school leaders the place occupied by the practice of motivating staff in a school. The specific objectives pursued in this study are multiple. These include: (i) criticizing the motivational policy of schools about scientific standards in this area; (ii) identify the factors that underlies teacher demotivation or non-involvement in the workplace; (iii) propose solutions for improving motivational policy in their schools.

2. II. Theoretical Foundation on Staff Motivation

This point is devoted to the elucidation of the fundamental concepts and the description of the theoretical aspects of the study.

3. a) Fundamental Concepts of the study

Four key concepts have been elucidated, including motivation, performance, satisfaction, and demotivation.

4. b) Motivation

The term motivation comes from the term motive ; the latter comes from the Latin: "motives": which means mobile and "move," the Latin verb "movers": to move, to motivate, it is to first, move and cause movement. The concept "motivation" is generic, it is explained, on the one hand, by all the factors that encourage the individual to act or to be active: these factors can be of various forms (economic, psychological, sociological, cultural...) and on the other hand, the involvement of the person in the activity in order to achieve the given goal.Philippe Bila (2016) believes that motivation is an internal or external pressure that drives one to act in a given way. He also points out that it is any stimulus that causes any reaction.

5. c) Performance

The concept of performance implies the idea of result, realization, finalization of a product, whereas in English, the term refers to the behavior, the holding of a product, or a person in a given situation. Performance is the combination of related systems ; it results from the articulation between the system of governance, that of production, that of sales, and that of the forward-looking strategy. Corneille Luboya (2019) believes that a successful company must be both efficient and effective. It is effective when it achieves the goals it has set for itself. It is efficient when it minimizes the means implemented to achieve the objectives it has set itself. He also emphasizes that performance is measured by qualitative or quantitative criteria (or indicators) of results. To measure effectiveness, we use a criterion that expresses a relationship between the result obtained and the objective pursued. To measure efficiency, a criterion is used that expresses a relationship between the result achieved and the means implemented.

6. d) Satisfaction

Satisfaction refers to the feelings experienced by the individual in a concrete work situation, it is an indicator of motivation, but in no way, a cause of motivation; The feeling of satisfaction at work is due to the presence in the work situation of a certain number of factors that are sources of satisfaction. It is a sign of self-realization. It is an indicator of motivation; it is not a cause for motivation. Also, the implication (which is built by cultural, individual, and organizational factors) is the attachment to the work or the degree to which a person identifies psychologically with his work. Satisfaction is the emotional state that results from the correspondence between what the person expects from his work and what he hopes to gain from it. It is an indicator of motivation; it is not a cause for motivation. It is any positive overall subjective impression resulting from many factors, including that of having achieved the desired goal, a sign of self-realization. Satisfaction is the consequence of comparing two types of perceptions about different aspects of employment. According to the principle of divergence, it is the degree of difference perceived by a person between what each aspect of his work should be and what he is, according to his evaluation. The notion of satisfaction is not very precise: sometimes, it indicates that the individual has filled a need, sometimes he has reached a goal, and its inverse makes us think of dissatisfaction. Satisfaction is more of a feeling, whereas motivation is more of a process.

7. e) Demotivation

Demotivation is the absence of will or reason to act. It will be understood that when it becomes professional, the consequences are dangerous for a company. However, demotivation exists in two more or less advanced stages: transient or durable. And this is where the role of the manager or the entrepreneur has to get into action. It is imperative to take charge of the demotivation of an employee before it becomes deep and may sometimes affect other members of the team. Of course, the longer the problem is managed later, the more difficult the new motivation will be sometimes impossible. Within an organization, the manager must be careful with warning signs of demotivation that can result in the following behaviors, (1) involvement at half-mast, (2) unusual delays, (3) errors or errors in work, (4) Feeling of sabotage of actions, (5) Irascible behavior, (6) Repeated absence without justified reason, (7) Repeated sick leave, (8) Decline in production, (9) Not taken into account counts warnings. Unfortunately, the consequences are as numerous as the sources of demotivation. And the first to pay the costs of such disengagement is the company. First of all, it must be borne in mind that demotivation is communicative. Sometimes only one unmotivated employee can impact an entire team. Indeed, unmotivated, an employee is often stressed, aggressive, refractory to news, and all forms of communication. It is, therefore a real obstacle to constructive professional relations. Moreover, it can become a vicious circle that directly impacts productivity in general and too often the quality of work. If we were to summarize the consequences of an employee in the most negative aspect, it would correspond to:

8. f) Some Theoretical Aspects Of Motivation At Work

In this point, we will review the theories developed by some authors on staff motivation.

i. The theory of the social man according to E. Mayo E. Mayo is an Australian sociologist and psychologist behind the human relations movement. He is considered one of the founding fathers of the sociology of work. E. Mayo wanted to complete the Taylorist hypothesis, which only took into account the techniques and material conditions of work to improve productivity at the cost of isolation of the worker. He studied the impact of adding certain benefits to employees in the Taylorist framework (correct wages, work environment, schedules, sense of security at the workplace, job security, etc.). From his experiments, he deduced the importance of the psychological climate on the behavior and performance of workers. One of his best-known experiments is probably the Hawthorne experiment conducted in 1930 at the Western Electric plant near Chicago. The Hawthorne factory, consisting of several workshops with predominantly female labor, assembled electrical circuits for radio sets. E. Mayo decided to set up a test group in a separate workshop to see how changes in working conditions could affect the productivity of the performers' work. Another workshop in which working conditions were not changed served as a control group. Mayo verified that improving material working conditions, lighting,in particular, was boosting productivity. But paradoxically, he also noticed that the elimination of these improvements (longer hours, no talk during work, etc.) did not lower productivity. On the other hand, E. Mayo and his team found that the productivity of workers in the control shop had tended to increase without any improvement in conditions. Therefore, this study has shown that workers work better when we take care of them. In fact, during the experiment, the employees of Western Electric, flattered to be the object of studies, had sympathized with the researchers of the E team. Mayo. They concluded that self-esteem and cohesion were more important to productivity than the material state of the work environment. Theory of hierarchization of needs Abraham Maslow, in his work entitled "A Theory of Human Motivation," published in 1943, exposes his theory of motivation. For this psychologist, the needs of man are at the source of all motivation and come in the form of hierarchy, starting from higher needs. Any need that is satisfied ceases to be a source of motivation and appeals to higher needs. In this book, he schematizes the pyramid of needs from observations made in the 1940. Maslow distinguishes five types of needs : (1) physiological needs, (2) security needs, (3) social needs, (4) needs of esteem, respect, and trust, (5) personal development needs.We can map the Maslow needs pyramid as follows:

Source : Maslow (1943) Thanks to this pyramid of hierarchy of needs, Maslow demonstrates, scientifically, to satisfy man, one must start with the lowest needs to reach the highest. Moreover, in order to motivate man in his work, one must satisfy his needs for self-esteem and selffulfillment. In order to do this, it is necessary in the organization of the work, to enrich the tasks which makes the work more interesting and rewarding.

9. iii. Alderfer's ESC theory

Following the many criticisms of Maslow, both conceptually and empirically, Alderfer suggests three categories of needs, (1) the needs of existence (E), (2) sociability needs (S), (3) growth needs (C). The needs of existence are similar to those of the first two levels of Maslow (physiological and safety needs); socialization needs are identified with social needs and self-esteem needs; and finally, the need for growth is related to the need for self-esteem and self-actualization. Alderfer's contribution lies more in the analysis of the principles governing the various needs. He insists on the intensity of needs, which depends either on the degree of satisfaction or on various orders (higher and lower), as is the case with Maslow.

10. Two-dimensional or bi-factorial theory

H. Herzberg is an American psychologist famous for his work on enriching work tasks. Herzberg tried to identify elements of job satisfaction and dissatisfaction. Thus in his theory, he distinguishes two types of factors ; on the one hand, the factors of hygiene, on the other hand, the motivating factors. Therefore, according to H. Herzberg, once the hygiene factors are assured, the motivational factors can be met to generate satisfaction in the job. In other words, it scientifically demonstrates that to motivate the man in his work ; he must satisfy his needs of esteem and selffulfillment. For this, it is appropriate in the work organization to enrich the tasks making the work more interesting and rewarding for the employee. According to Herzberg, each type of motivation corresponds to set of factors called satisfaction factors for intrinsic motivation and dissatisfaction factor for extrinsic motivation.

11. The Mac Gregor X-Y Theory

X and Y theories are theories developed in the 1960s by Douglas Mc Gregor used in human resources and organizational behavior. These two theories come from empirical observations and are opposed to each other. On the one hand, theory X considers that, naturally, the human being does not like work and will avoid it if he can. According to this theory, individuals do not like responsibilities and want security above all else. Because of their aversion to work, most people must be controlled, even threatened, to work enough. Thus, workers provide the expected effort only under duress or against an expected reward such as salary. Therefore, this theory induces a vicious circle in which the organization is built on strict rules and strict controls. Employees adapt by choosing to work at a minimum, and by having a passive attitude. They then flee responsibilities because the system is repressive, and therefore not safe for risk-taking. This theory reinforces the leaders in their convictions, which encourages them to reinforce the rules and controls. In other words, theory X is a rather authoritarian type of management, often poorly supported by employees the aversion of work.

On the other hand, theory Y considers that the man seeks in work a certain satisfaction, but also to improve his results and to have responsibilities within his company. This theory also shows that the individual seeks to adhere to the objectives of the company as well as develop his creativity. According to Mc Gregor, therefore, work is not necessarily unpleasant for Man, so companies must consider that Man is capable of taking initiatives, setting goals, and taking responsibility.

12. vi. Theory of Fairness by J.S. Adams

The theory of equity was developed by J.S. Adams in the 1960. It is the major element in the motivation process. To avoid the dissatisfaction indicated by Herzberg and all, linked to the sense of injustice that can cause tension in the organization, managers can motivate employees by fairness by treating them fairly in comparison with others. In other words, by applying a fair and equitable policy in about the various decisions, the disciplinary actions, the grant or increase to also take into account balance between the contributions (seniority, skills, experiences, social status, level of study) and the results. According to J.S. Adams, an individual is motivated when he considers that the reward of his work ("outcomes") is in line with his contribution ("inputs").

13. vii. Theory of locke goal setting

The goal-setting theory was developed by Locke in 1968. Locke has demonstrated that an individual is motivated when setting clear goals and providing appropriate feedback on his ability to achieve them. Working towards a goal is a major source of motivation, but it also improves the individual's performance: well-defined and hard-to-reach goals lead to better performance than vague or easy-to-reach goals. The individual is stimulated by the search for fulfillment. He feels he is developing his professional abilities. Later, Locke worked with Latham in 1990. They specified the conditions for an objective to be motivating for the employee.

14. viii. Reinforcement theory

According to this theory, motivation depends on the nature of reinforcement and the perceived relationship between behavior and consequence. The use of positive reinforcement (incentives, bonuses, promotion, etc.) inherent to positive evaluation and the application of the negative reinforcement resulting from the poor rating inspire us on the very objectives of professional appreciation. In the current practice of human resources management, positive-reinforcement based on classical scientific models (with the best way) can increase the performance of employees: they will be motivated to work more or faster to get a bonus or some benefit. On the other hand, a negative reinforcement like a sanction, a punishment, or only its threat can favor avoidance behaviors: here, it will avoid performing a prohibited action. We find, disguised under a scientific discourse, the popular model of "carrot or stick." Yet we also know the limits of this binding model, generally authoritarian, which goes hand in hand with Mac Gregor's theory.

15. III.

16. Strategies of the Study a) Participants of the study

This study used sampling from schools in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Sampling is a technique that involves taking a representative sample of the study population. The quantity of the sample is essential for the reliability of the results of a survey. The sample must represent as closely as possible the overall population. For this study, our population consists of all teachers of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Given the impossibility of reaching the entire population, we drew a sample of 150 teachers from five provinces of DR Congo, including Kinshasa, Kongo-Central, Mai-Ndombe, Kwango, and Kwilu. In these provinces, we interviewed 30 teachers per province.

17. b) Collection of data

The techniques are in a more or less concrete and precise way of the practical instruments which are put at the service of the methods to better apprehend them. They intervene in the choice of the sample to the presentation of the results, by way of the collection of the data. As part of this study, we used the following techniques: (1) Documentary research: The purpose of the literature search was to collect useful information related to the subject under study. It allowed us to know some scientific productions before to this study to enrich our knowledge and our investigations. Thus, thanks to the documentary technique, we managed to collect essential information and data for the realization of this article.

These data were contained in linear documents (scientific works and publications, or even some archives, in libraries and on the Internet: reports from certain specialized services, to find out about the authors who carried out works similar to this one, the methods and the techniques they used and the results or conclusions they reached. (1) Questionnaire: The use of the questionnaire required two stages, namely the pre-survey and the survey itself. (i) Pre-investigation, why a pre-survey during scientific research. The field survey is essential to obtain reliable results. In many cases, a pre-survey is useful to validate the hypotheses and to test the questioning and by then produce the final questionnaire before conducting the survey.For this article, the pre-survey helped us first to learn about the situation of private schools in DR Congo and to reveal any problems related to the subject. In the field, we contacted resource persons (head of school, inspectors), and this allowed us to see how we should undertake our research. Thus, this step allowed us to test our questionnaire with a sample of 150 teachers from thirty schools surveyed.

It also allowed us to review the problem and the main hypothesis of this study. (ii) Survey proper The validity of field data depends largely on the questions. Questionnaire survey is a tool that quantifies and compares information. This information is collected from a representative sample of the population targeted by the assessment. In other words, a survey questionnaire is a set of questions constructed to obtain the information corresponding to the questions of the evaluation. Surveys often combine two forms of questions: open questions and closed questions. Note that open questions are richer but difficult to process statistically. This technique allowed us to collect the opinions of 150 teachers. (3) Interview: It is a one -way question -and -answer game, between two (or more) people, to obtain information from the interviewee. For this study, the interview was used to supplement the questionnaire data by making the teachers and some heads of institutions with whom we exchanged talk.

18. c) Analysis and data processing

The analysis and treatment were carried out by counting the protocols (questionnaires duly completed by the participants) of the research. The counting refers in particular, the set of voting operations, to count the ballots and proclaim the results of an election. In other words, we call counting, the inventory record, and, more precisely, the counting of votes during a vote, in particular. For this study, after the recovery of the survey files, the task that followed consisted of counting of each of them, item by topic, question after question. The work of counting allowed us to elaborate not only tables but also figures and graphs. Subsequently, we interpreted and discussed different results. The next point is the presentation and interpretation of the results.

19. IV.

20. Results

We present the results of the collected data after we interpret them by an indicator.

21. a) Participant characteristics

Some indicators of identification have been selected, including gender, age, and level of education (qualifications). Based on our analysis, Chartshows that the most available surveyed subjects are men with 78.7% compared to women at 21.3%. Two reasons can explain this, among other things.first, the availability of men willing to answer the questionnaire willingly. Then the women were suspicious and reserved. This situation is explained by the African culture, which gives the preeminence to the man. For many women, it was not possible to greet the interviewer and answer the questionnaire given their multiple occupations. Moreover, we note from the above that schools in the Democratic Republic of Congo hire more men than women. This situation is due to the nature of the activities carried out in this teaching task which are more supervised by the men.

22. 23.3%

The results of this field reveal also that 47.3% of the subjects surveyed are more than 20 years old, followed by 29.3% who are over 50 years old, and finally 23.3% are under 20 years old. A significant portion of this sample is between the ages of 20 and 50 and over (70.6%). The following reasons justify this reality ; it is also true that in Kinshasa, most young people until adulthood live long under parental roofs, lack of socio-economic security. It is useful to note that the age of the subjects surveyed plays a role in the motivation of the teaching staff becausea young person can be satisfied by a factor and an old no. The same factor can motivate a young person but demotivate an older.

Source: Data from the field survey, June 2019.

The results in this chart indicate that the subjects surveyed with a Bachelor's degree (61.3%) outnumber the non-university graduates (38.7%). This situation is because the pilot schools of the Democratic Republic of Congo use more the university executives, having expertise or a technicality in the fields of teaching to ensure good supervision of the learners.


23. Results on staff Motivation and its Impact on Performance

In this point, we will present the results of our study. The results are obtained by counting survey responses. This was questioned after question. For convenience, we outline the main themes from the questionnaire and attach the comments to them.

24. a) Satisfaction with working conditions

The results show that the majority of teachers surveyed in the Democratic Republic of Congo (70.7%) are not satisfied with the conditions in which they work. The environmental and health dimensions found in schools expose teachers to several diseases. There are sometimes classrooms without a desk (chair, table) of the master, insufficient lighting (ergonomic conditions), no ventilation. They are contradicted by a minority of agents (22.7%) who think that teachers work in the right conditions as required by the regulation in this area. The 6.6% of respondents did not take a position ; they are undecided.

25. b) Satisfaction with the organizational climate

The data tells us that more than half of the teachers surveyed (54%) in DR Congo are not satisfied with the organizational climate and the environment in which they live. Regarding the climate of work, it should be noted that this can be experienced either in a Pedagogical Unit (the group of teachers of the same field of study or the same specialty) or with all the staff from the school. This dissatisfaction in a group is often due to interpersonal and interprofessional conflicts observed at school. All the same, it must be pointed out that in these schools, there is a reign of mischief, tribalism, gossip, and malice among teachers. Laziness, inefficiency, and irregularity characterize some teachers within Pedagogical Units. This view is not shared by 46% who say the opposite.

26. c) Work in line with training, potential, interests, and skills

From the analysis relating to the match between training, potential, interests, population, and work, it appears that more than half of the respondents (54.7%) declare that their work is in line with their training, potentialities, and interests. The teachers are each of course holders who are in connection with the initial training followed. It is appropriate to raise the problem of underqualification of teachers in DR Congo, which sometimes puts the teachers in a situation of demotivation because not having enough knowledge on the subject to be taught. Some teachers start copying textbooks and notebooks from previous years and ask one of the students to put the copy on the board because, in their opinion, the teacher's task does not match their aspirations and interests. Some have come to teaching for lack of "where to go" and view teaching as a livelihood. Corneille Luboya (2019) these days. Out of the six subjects to be taught each day, he teaches only three a day. Failure to meet this schedule is often due to absences, fatigue, and other psychosocial factors observed among teachers. A point of view that is not shared by the minority represented by 45.3% of respondents.

27. d) Feedback and receipt of feedback 1

The review shows that teachers surveyed in DR Congo receive feedback on the results of their performance after an assessment (86.7%). This situation is experienced during class visits. After having been visited, the teacher is required to countersign the visit card, which is maintained by the head of the school or by an itinerant inspector. For this purpose, the teacher can take note of the points he has obtained after evaluation. This point of view is not supported by the minority of teachers (13.3%) who think that the results of their evaluations are never made available to them. After a visit, the head of the establishment or the visiting inspector arranges to directly deposit the file with the school management. All the same, it should be noted that the teachers surveyed do not receive the feedback at their request or their concern submitted to the school authorities. Among them, some admit that it discourages them if their request receives no feedback.

of results 1 It is the action-return, the answer to a request formulated in terms of the proposition, the interaction. There are different kinds to know: (1) positive feedback: this is when the sender and the receiver agree around their discussion. Its means that the receiver responds positively to the request made by the transmitter (the interaction is total). ( 2) negative feedback: it is the orc the receiver declines the proposal made to him by the transmitter of the message In the light of the data in the following graph of the factors taken into account for teacher pay in DR Congo, we find that teachers are paid first of all for their grade and position (62.7% and 41%), the level of education, the performance and competence, and all the criteriawere weakly evoked, respectively, by 16.7%, 9.3%, and 8% of the respondents. From the preceding, we find that the criteria neglected by the authorities of the Congolese school should be considered, almost, for the motivation of teachers in all its dimensions.

28. e) Involvement of staff in decision-making

This data about the involvement of teachers in decision-making shows that the majority of respondents are not involved in the decision-making process of their institution (85.3%). It is sometimes observed by decisions that are made unilaterally within the school without being the subject of a consensus of all the staff of the school. Some decisions do not even go through the Board of Management or Discipline but are applied to the school. Teachers are excluded from any decision making. They are contradicted by a minority of 14.7% of respondents who feel that they are often involved or associated with important decisions concerning the institution. It remains to be seen whether this category of agents performs duties that are close to those of management.

29. VI. Announcement of organizational Objectives

By observing the figures concerning the announcement of organizational objectives, we find that our respondents seem not to be divided on the issue of announcing production targets (56% for no, and 44% for yes). These observations are confirmed, after using the X² test, which allowed us to accept the null hypothesis of the existence of a significant difference between the reactions of our respondents: (X² calculated 2.16 <at the critical value: 3.841 of the table at the threshold of 5%, dl = 1). The schools of DR Congo do not announce the organizational objectives to their agents at the beginning of the school year. The authorities are content to give everyone their educational documents instead of discussing with the agents the vision and objectives that the school has set for the current year.

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31. ( )

The results in this table, relating to motivators to be improved by the public authorities, reveal that majority of teachers are in favor of improving their basic salary (43.33%). This answer is supported by the fact that the basic salary is the only remuneration that remains regular and is often paid by the State. It is worth noting that despite teachers' preference for the basic salary, it does not even allow the teacher and his entire family to make ends meet. His salary remains the least of all State officials. This state of affairs is often at the root of sames situations of strike and cessation of work by teachers who demand daily improvement of their treatment. Teachers in DR Congo, especially those in private schools, ask the school authorities to take holiday savings into account to help them spend the holidays in good conditions. Some Congolese private schools do not pay teachers during the holidays and limit themselves to paying it until July, which is the month of the end of the year. Also, Congolese teachers deplore the conditions in which they work (14.67%). Note that these conditions expose them to several occupational diseases. In reading the table above, Congolese teachers demand the improvement of certain factors not taken into account by the State in the remuneration, like family allowances. The Congolese teacher is the one who works but does not know if one day he will be able to buy a plot. Corneille Luboya (2019) had demonstrated the socio-professional characteristics of the Congolese teacher by raising the fact that it is the one who educates the teachers of others, but his family stays at home.

32. a) Factors demotivating teachers in DR Congo

The study identified the factors that cause the teacher to be demotivated at work. Here are the reasons why a teacher can show signs of demotivation: noncompliance with commitments in teacher compensation after delivery. Non-regular, late payment and significant compensation. the school does not have a remuneration system that satisfies, motivates and encourages staff to improve their performance (17.3%), poor organisation and management of the school as well as the lack of listening and transparency of certain hierarchical authorities (12.7%), authorities and leaders are sometimes dictators to agents. they are too strict towards agents. they behave in all power, as masters of all evil, as law-makers, judges and parties (10.7%), leaders do not consider or respect the staff. they thunder and shout at the staff at the presence of other teachers or even students. they do not respect teachers (9.3%), lack of team spirit, collaboration and communication between staff in the professional environment (8.7%), most leaders are tribal and unfair. teachers (8.7%), officers do not work in good conditions (8.0%), little individualism assistance. leaders do not intervene when a teacher is in difficulty (6.0%), noncompliance with official instructions as well as the code of led by leaders to be too subjective (6.0%), too many conflicts and lacks the right strategies for conflict management in schools. best teachers (4.7%), noncompliance with the discipline of other officers who confuse rights and duties (4.0%), some headteachers do not involve officers in decision-making. they do not trust staff (4.0%).

33. b) Towards an integral motivation of the Congolese teacher

In this last part, we will allow us to propose solutions to the actors of the Congolese Educational System to improve the motivational policy in light of scientific standards. Thus, for a good satisfaction of the teacher at work, leaders must:

34. Discussion

Several authors (Maslow, 1954;Herzberg, 1966;Taylor 1911, Mayo 1927-1932 In addition, the results showed that certain factors demotivate staff at work, including: noncompliance with commitments in teacher compensation after delivery. non-regular, late payment and significant remuneration. The school does not have a remuneration system that satisfies, motivates and encourages staff to improve their performance, poor organisation and management of the school as well as the lack of listening and transparency of certain hierarchical authorities, authorities and leaders are sometimes dictators to agents. They are too strict on the agents.

They behave as all mighty, as masters of all evil, as lawmakers, as judges and parties, and by leaders, and in disrespect and respect personnel. They thunder and shout at the staff at the presence of other teachers or even students. They do not respect teachers, lack of team spirit, collaboration and communication between staff in the professional environment, most leaders are tribal and unfair. They discriminate between teachers, agents do not work in good conditions, little individualism. Leaders do not intervene when a teacher is in difficulty, not complying with official instructions and the work code by the leaders that pushes him to be too subjective, too many conflicts and lacks the right strategies for managing conflicts in schools. The generational conflict between the old and the new teachers, between the bad and the best teachers, the lack of respect for the discipline of other agents who confuse rights and duties, some school leaders do not associate decision-making officers. They do not trust the staff. These results differ from those of the authors cited above. In our humble opinion, these authors limited themselves to testing whether motivating factors would affect the performance or performance of agents at work. Our study looked at the impact of motivational factors related to the individual, himself, organization and work.

35. VIII.

36. Conclusion

This study focused on the motivation of the teaching staff of the Democratic Republic of Congo who, according to our observations, present the signs of demotivation. This situation we have experienced by their irregularities in the workplace (school), absenteeism often unjustified, abandonment of post for the search for "better go," delays beyond the start of classes, lack of diligence and zeal at work, a situation of conflict that plagues the organizational climate, etc. The relevance of these facts has reinforced our doubts about the practice of motivating teachers according to the standards set in Congolese schools. Faced with its inefficiency, we proposed to make recommendations to the authorities and decision-makers of the Congolese Educational System to improve their practice of motivation of the Congolese teacher. All recommendations are necessary because they promote the satisfaction and or involvement of agents at work for their performance or productivity in the company. It is then that the Congolese education system can take off. We end this paper by thanking all those who participated in its realization. Many thanks to my wife, Maria Menda Tshinga and my son Bradel Menda Kabamba. Dear son, the way is already marked and watered to welcome you in this high level of knowledge ; you have just to take the first step.

Figure 1. Figure 1 :
1Figure 1: Consequences of demotivation of staff
Figure 2. Figure 1 . 2 :
12Figure 1.2: Maslow's Need Hierarchy
Figure 3.
Source: Data from the field survey, June 2019.
Figure 4. A
had already observed in his time that of the 220 days provided by the school calendar in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Congolese teacher exploits only 50% of Help the Teacher Give the Best of HimselfChart 4.1.3. Distribution of participants by level of education
Figure 5. Chart 4 . 2 . 1 :
421Factors are taken into account for teachers' pay

Appendix A

Appendix A.1 Global Journal of Management and Business Research

Volume XX Issue II Version I Year 2020 ( ) A

Appendix B

  1. Human Capital, A Chemak , C Cheese . 2006.
  2. , Albu . 1982. (human problems of the company)
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