Effect of Experiential Marketing on Word of Mouth with Satisfaction as Intervening Variable (Study at GO-JEK Customer in Mataram)

Table of contents

1. I.

Background iverse human activities require transportation support to do so. This requirement then responded by transportation business by improving service, ease of ordering, fleet comfort, punctuality and so forth. Currently in Indonesia found many motorcycles serve as a common vehicle to transport people or goods and establish an agreed fee. The mode of transportation of this type is known as a motorcycle taxi.

Seprocession with the development of today's technology there are applications which introduces a motorcycle taxi booking services using technology and adopt the standards of service. Before the application is growing, motorcycle riders generally use an area-based system. Motorcycle riders from other regions can not be arbitrary to operate in an area without the permission of a motorcycle rider in the region. But this time the public is increasingly facilitated in ordering a motorcycle through a motorcycle online application. The presence of this online motorcycle will provide a new experience for the community and from the company's online motorcycles-had to think about the concepts of new marketing-based experience or experiential marketing.

Experiential marketing is a marketing concept that not only provides information and opportunities to consumers but also to gain experience that can evoke emotions and feelings (Bigham, 2007). The concept of experiential marketing is not only oriented to the features and benefits for the company but prefer the emotions of customers by providing facilities or experiences that can satisfy consumers in order to achieve memorable experience in every consumption (Naif et al., 2015),

Referring to this approach, the company provides products or services to the consumer senses such as touch, touch the hearts and minds of consumers stimulate. Companies must be able to establish emotional relationships through strategic experience modules consisting of sense, feel, think, act and relate as the basis of experiential marketing. With experiential marketing, customers will be able to differentiate their products and services with one another because they are able to gain a memorable experience when they consume a product or service. The memorable experience can increase the satisfaction of customers (Pine and Gilmore, 1998). Kotler (2000: 36) defines satisfaction as feeling happy or disappointed with someone who emerged after comparing the perception or impression of the performance (or result) of a product and expectations. Furthermore, Kotler (2000: 36) states that if the performance below expectations, consumers will feel dissatisfied. If performance meets expectations, consumers will be satisfied. If performance exceeds expectations, consumers will be very satisfied or happy. Consumers are the main focus of all marketing efforts, where keconsumer satisfaction is the ultimate goal of every company in conducting business activities (Supranto and Limakrisna, 2007), In this case it can be concluded that satisfaction is a feeling or emotional appraisal from consumers for the use of a product or service, where expectations and their needs are met.

According to Mano and Oliver (2007) factors that may affect satisfaction is an emotional experience. This is due to the positive experience will positively affect overall satisfaction, the opposite attitude or a negative experience would affect negatively the satisfaction of all, a good attitude and positive and negative experiences affect the activity of purchase and word of mouth.

Word Of Mouthpada essentially is the message about a product or service in the form of comments on product performance, friendliness, honesty, speed of service and other things that are perceived and experienced by someone who passed on to others. The message conveyed to form messages that are positive or negative, depending on what is perceived by the grantor of the message on the product or service he consumes (Erida, 2009). According to Silverman (2011), word of mouth is important because it can inspire confidence that is independent because it acquired from third parties. Besides word of mouth can convey experience and this information can help reduce risk in consuming a product. The level of customer satisfaction which is divided into several levels have different effects on the behavior of consumer word of mouth. Satisfaction is a factor that will encourage communication with positive word of mouth. Word of mouth delivered by people who are satisfied it can be recommended to other potential customers (Solomon, in Dwi Suhartanto, 2001).

Anderson (1998) concluded that consumers were very satisfied with the services they consume will make a positive word of mouth is higher than those who are less satisfied. Instead, consumers are not satisfied with the conduct of negative word of mouth even higher. Babin, Barry J; L. Yong-Kie; Kim, Eun-Fu; and Griffin, Mitch (2005) in her research at measuring word of mouth with indicators willingness of consumers to talk about positive things about the quality of service to others, recommend the service to others and give a boost to a friend or relative to make purchases of these services.

PT. Application Nations Children work or the public familiar with the Go-Jek a motorcycle online application company that has the responsibility for conduction connect with consumers through the application driver. As a company, in addition to targeting the social impact to raise standards of living, especially in the informal sector, GO-JEK also a company that aims to benefit. GO-JEK has partnered with more than 1 million motorcycle riders who are experienced and trusted in Indonesia, to provide various services, including transport and messaging between meals.

Therefore, Saat The GO-JEK has officially operated in 167 cities and districts in Indonesia, including the city of Mataram. Customer GO-JEK in Mataram shows that customers who use GO-JEK increased from 2016 to 2018. However, the experience acquired customer GO-JEK in Mataram is still considered very poor, both in terms of the features and applications of driving comfort with the driver side. Based on an initial interview with the customer GO-JEK in Mataram, stating that there are many features in the GO-JEK applications that can not be felt by the customer GO-JEK in Mataram and could only feel the benefits in major cities only. In addition, they often found the driver does not use the full attributes such as not using the official jacket of GO-JEK, do not use shoes and even did not use helmets. The purpose of this research is as follows: 1) To determine the influence of experiential marketing to customer satisfaction GO-JEK in Mataram. 2) To determine the influence of experiential marketing to customer word of mouth GO-JEK in Mataram. 3) To determine the effect of satisfaction on customer word of mouth GO-JEK in Mataram.


2. Theoretical Framework a) Experiential Marketing

Experience by (Robinette and Brand in Kustini, 2007: 46), defined as personal events that occur in response to some kind of stimulus, as given by the marketing efforts before and after purchase. The concept of experiential marketing is where a company or service online motorcycle is trying to create a positive perception in the minds of consumers about the product, which can also be used to influence the consumer's emotional side (Schmitt, 1999). Experiential marketing is a marketing concept that involves the emotions and feelings of customers by creating positive experiences and not to be forgotten so that customers are satisfied and loyal to a particular product.

Sense is aspects of tangible and can be felt from a product that can be captured by the five human senses (Schmitt, 1999: 109-111). Kahn (2007: 3) in research also mentions that there were five human senses that can be connected to a product (brand), namely sight, sounds, smells, taste, and touch. But Kahn argues that the dimension of sight has a strong influence on customer emotions.

Hulten, Broweus, and Van Dijk (2009: 89-134) found a fifth dimension of sensory marketing can affect the experience that can satisfy the customer. In other words, the logic of allowing consumers to experience the emotional and rational elements combine in the brain to help him in forming a sensory experience to a brand (Alkilani et.al, 2013). Sense marketing gives a real sense of the value of goods or services with the help of a sensory experience that is visual, acoustic, touch, taste, and smell.

3. b) Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is one measure of the performance of non-financial organizations that have contributed significantly to the success of the business organization's objectives. There are various definitions of conceptual customer satisfaction researchers used previously. Wilkie in Tjiptono (2008: 24) defines customer satisfaction as an emotional response to an evaluation of the experience of the consumption of a product or service.

According to Oliver in Supranto J. ( 2006) revealed that satisfaction is the level of one's feelings after comparing the performance or results you felt with expectations. In the concept of customer satisfaction, there are two elements that affect, ie the performance and expectations. Performance is consumer perceptions of what is received after consuming the product. Hope is the minds of consumers about what he received when he consumes the product. From these explanations, it can be concluded that customer satisfaction is the level of consumers' assessment of the results of the evaluation of what was expected to what is acceptable.

According to Kotler and Keller (2009:138), satisfaction is feeling happy or disappointed with someone arising from comparing the perceived performance of the product (or results) against expectations or hopes. If performance is below expectations, the customer is not satisfied. If performance meets expectations, the customer is satisfied. If performance exceeds expectations, the customer is highly satisfied or delighted.

According to Giese and (2000) in his research has identified various conceptual definitions from the literature and from previous researchers about customer satisfaction. Based on some of the conceptual definition, concludes the three main components in the definition of customer satisfaction is the first consumer satisfaction is a cognitive and emotional responses; The second response is more focused on expectations, products, consumption, and experience; The third response occurs after ingestion, after the elections and based on accumulated experience.

4. c) Word of Mouth

Sawas a marketing communication strategy since the first used before the development of technology, that word of mouth (WOM). Some experts in trying to define WOM marketing communications from a variety of perspectives. In this study, WOM is the result of the application of experiential marketing strategy that is perceived by consumers. Here, consumers have felt the experience itself will do word of mouth.

Word of mouth is a form of promotion in the form of recommendations and is spread by word of mouth about the benefits of a product (Lupiyoadi, 2006). WOM occurs when consumers talk about their opinions about a product or service to others. Consumers who disseminate information about the goodness of the product are referred to as positive WOM, but if consumers disseminate information about the product ugliness is referred to as negative WOM (Brown et al 2005).

The definition of WOM fuller proposed by Silverman, where we get a more complete understanding of the WOM, in terms of both the perpetrators and the media, which according to Silverman (2011) in his book The Secrets of Word of Mouth Marketing says that "WOM is communication about products and services between people who are perceived to be independent of the company providing the products and services, in a medium perceived to be independent of the company. "Word of mouth is communication about products and services between people who are considered independent of the company that provides products and services, in the media is considered independent of the company.

Another reason why WOM a very important role in the marketing of a product is due to WOM able to increase the speed of product purchasing decisions. WOM makes the process faster, because of what was discussed at WOM based on the experience of the products or services that consumers are likely to believe it.

5. d) Conceptual framework

Experiential marketing not just providing information and opportunities to consumers but also to gain experience that can evoke emotions and feelings (Andreani, 2007). With experiential marketing, customers will be able to differentiate their products and services with one another because they are able to gain a memorable experience when they consume a product or service.

Research conducted by Thomas (2004), mentions experiential marketing is one tool for creating word of mouth. Through several elements (feel, sense, act, think and relate), it can increase consumer expectations on the real experience acquired and to be acquired. Here, consumers have felt the experience itself will do word of mouth. Kotler and Keller (2009) state that satisfaction is the feeling of someone who is happy or disappointment resulting from comparing the performance of a product perceived or results in the hope that is created prior to consumption. Customer satisfaction can provide several benefits, including the relationship between the company and its customers, become harmonious, provide a good foundation for the purchase and creation of customer loyalty, as well as forming a recommendation by word of mouth (word of mouth) are favorable for the company.

In his research, Kailani & Ciobotar (2015) say positive things about the consumer experience gained during and after use or consumption, would make the consumer is willing to offer recommendations and even persuade others to have or use a service in the same place.

6. Metode Research

The type of this research is associative research causality. According Sugiyono (2008), associative research is research that aims to determine the relationship between two or more variables. In this research, the analysis of causality, which states are affecting the relationship between two or more variables in which this study aims to determine the effect of experiential marketing to the word of mouth through satisfied customers as an intervening variable in GO-JEK in Mataram. Sample used in this study was 100 samples considering the limited time that researchers have.

The technique used is the technique of accidental sampling. Accidental sampling is a sampling technique based on chance, that anyone who accidentally met with investigators can be used as a sample. Where samples are taken is the GO-JEK customer who happened to be found by the researchers by taking 100 samples.

Suits their hypothesis that has been formulated, in this study the inferential statistical analysis of data measured using the Smart PLS software ranging from measurement models (outer model), the model structure (inner model) and hypothesis testing (Ghozali, 2014: 32). PLS by Hartono and Abdillah (2009: 14), is an alternative approach that shifts the approach of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) based covariance be based variants. Covariance-based SEM generally examines causality or theory while PLS is more predictive models. PLS is a powerful analytical method, not necessarily meet the requirements of the assumptions of normality of data and sample size should not be large.

7. IV.

8. Result

Results of testing the relationship between the variables can be seen from the path coefficients and critical point (t-statistic) were significant at ? = 0.05. When the results of testing the hypothesis on its outer significant models, suggesting that the indicator is seen to be used as a measuring instrument latent variables, whereas when the results of testing on the inner significant models means there is a significant influence between the latent variables, as shown in Table 4 1. above shows that of the three relationships among variables proposed, only one significant relationship between other variables. The test results of the parameter coefficient between experiential marketing to show their satisfaction with the positive influence coefficient 0.756 and the value of the t-statistic of 17.879 showed a significant effect. The value of tstatistic is above the critical value of 1.680, thereby Ha accepted. This shows that experiential marketing positive and significant impact on satisfaction.

The test results of the parameter coefficient between experiential marketing to the word of mouth indicate a positive influence with the coefficient of 0.064 with a t-statistic of 0.312 indicates a significant effect, the value of the t-statistic is below the critical value of 1.680, thus Ha rejected. This shows that experiential marketing and no significant positive effect on word of mouth. The test results of the parameter coefficient between satisfaction with the word of mouth indicate a positive influence with coefficient 0.250 and the value of t-statistic of 1.491 showed no significant effect. The tstatistic value is below the critical value of 1.680, thus Ha rejected. This suggests that satisfaction and no significant positive effect on word of mouth. V.

9. Satisfaction

10. Word Of Mouth

Note: Experiential Marketing

11. Interpretation a) Effect of Experiential Marketing on Satisfaction

Berdasarkan results of the study, it was found that experiential marketing has a positive effect on satisfaction with a coefficient of 0.756 with a t-statistic value of 17.668. So that the second hypothesis which states "experiential marketing significant positive effect on customer satisfaction" received. This means that the customer GO-JEK that use GO-JEK in Mataram was satisfied with the experiences gained while using the GO-JEK. Changes in people's lifestyles greatly affect the whole fabric of social life. today's consumer does not just focus on the core of the products and services offered, but a unique and exciting experience is sought in the current era.

The concept of experiential marketing is the modern marketing concept that emphasizes customer satisfaction (Lululangi, 2014). Experiential marketing is itself a way that can be done by anyone to improve customer satisfaction and bind consumers with memorable experiences when enjoying the products and services offered. Experiential marketing is very important, not only as a strategic differentiator from other industries but also can make customers get an interesting memorable with experiences that have never felt so as to give satisfaction to the customer (Kustini, 2012).

The results also showed that experiential marketing is applied by GO-JEK able to provide satisfaction to its customers with a wide range of experiences provided. Various features of the application, GO-JEK driver-friendly and courteous in accordance with what they expect and they imagine.

Expectancy disconfirmation theory states that the model between expectation and obtained by the consumer would greatly affect the satisfaction of consumers. Each consumer will definitely have expectations or hopes for something better in products issued by the company or on a variety of features found in the application GO-JEK. Consumer expectations will not be anything for them when the consumer has not felt the direct experience of a product or experience is felt directly by consumers of application GO-JEK. GO-JEK application is one form of intangible goods in which consumers will make their experience as a factor for evaluating expectations or hopes.

The results are consistent with research by Lee Hsiao & Yang, The Study of the Relationships among Experiential Marketing, Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty with an objects Shopping mall located in Tainan. Where this research shows that experiential marketing has a significant effect on customer satisfaction. This study is also in line with Oeyono and Dharmayanti (2013) which state that experiential marketing gives effect to customer satisfaction through some aspect of the aspect of sense, feel, think, and relate, while aspects of the act did not experience a significant influence on consumer satisfaction.

The research of Indrawati and Shafira (2016), The Effect of Experiential Marketing Towards Customer Satisfaction on Online Fashion Store in Indonesia also stated that experiential marketing simultaneously significant effect on customer satisfaction, although not all aspects of the experiential marketing can influence such satisfaction , From these studies it was found that when the fashion consumers who have earned their online shopping experience online and the fit between the expectations and hopes it will increase the satisfaction of the consumer online fashion. This is in accordance with Giese and Cote (2000) which states that there are three major components in the definition of customer satisfaction, which is the first consumer satisfaction is a cognitive, and emotional responses; The second response is more focused on expectations, products, consumption, and experience; The third response occurs after ingestion, after the elections and based on accumulated experience.

12. b) Effect of Experiential Marketing on Word of Mouth

Berdasarkan results of the study, it was found that experiential marketing has a positive influence on word of mouth with coefficient of 0.064 with a t-statistic of 0.310, which means that the customer GO-JEK in Mataram would do word of mouth after they get experiential marketing although not significant , The results of this study are not consistent with the research of Lin (2012) which states that experiential marketing has a positive effect and exhibited significantly on word of mouth given by the consumer where the studies proved the more consumers get a sense experience, act experience and relate experience was good, the higher the level of consumer willingness to do word of mouth.

This research finds different things that experiential marketing all aspects of your application seta GO-JEK not necessarily make a direct customer would do word of mouth. If seen the result of the distribution of respondents on the variables included in the category of experiential marketing to gain experience, while in the variable word of mouth proceeds from the distribution of respondents only quite intense. This is an indication that the customer does not necessarily GO-JEK in Mataram after using GO-JEK application will perform word of mouth due to the fact that the customer will only be found intense enough to do word of mouth.

It is also seen from quite a small number of the items I was interested in the ad's statement GO-JEK, just being in the category enough gain experience. This indicates that the GO-JEK ad has not been able to stimulate customer in Mataram to be more interested in using GO-JEK so that the customer has not made an application GO-JEK as a major thing in their lives. My statement items interested in advertising GO-JEK included in the indicator variable of thinking in experiential marketing. Thus, the customer GO-JEK in Mataram not thought carefully that the advertisements were carried GO-JEK now has not become a major, and the first thing that comes to mind in the mind of the customer.

Another else, from this study it was found that the category of word of mouth just intense enough, so the customer is not necessarily GO-JEK in Mataram city will proclaim or invite others to use Go-JEK application in Mataram. Another fact found that most respondents in this study are dominated by respondents aged 21-30 years spanned by 61%, 21-30 years of age is the age that generated millennial, which is a very dynamic millennial generation, adhesion technology in daily lifeday and very informative (CBS, 2018). Thus, delivery of the message will greatly affect their lives, if the delivery of the message can be embedded in their minds proficiency level then this generation does not hesitate to recount his experiences both in the real world or the virtual world. The millennial generation is the generation that is very close to the technology and the technology involved in every activity of daily life. According to the Central Bureau of Statistics (2018) lineal generation is the generation visualization and quite straightforward, so when they see something interesting then quickly they will proclaim to all corners of the world through social media platforms and so on.

The results of this study indicate that the ad made by GO-JEK has not been able to make people remember the GO-JEK applications, it is evident from the response or responses community just enough to get the experience, as well as by word of mouth only to the category of pretty intense. Thus, this indicates that the customer GO-JEK in Mataram will only be intense enough to tell GO-JEK application to another person, family or their relatives. The results of this study differ from Hendrayana research, et.al (2015), about the influence of Experiential Marketing and image of the Open University of the Word of Mouth Students. Where the influence of experiential marketing to the word of mouth is greater than the effect of the image to word of mouth.

13. c) Effect of Satisfaction on Word of Mouth

Based on these results, satisfaction has a positive influence and not a significant word of mouth with a coefficient of 0.250 with a t-statistic of 1.433. So the third hypothesis which states "satisfaction significant positive effect on word of mouth" is rejected. This means that the customer GO-JEK in Mataram was satisfied with the experience they can however insignificant, so their desire to share and recommend apps GO-JEK to others only in the category of pretty intense. The results of this study differ with Jan et, .al (2013) which revealed that customer satisfaction has a positive and significant impact on customer word of mouth.

This research found that the fourth of item on the statement of satisfaction variables that are used only in the category are satisfied and the word of mouth only variable in the category of pretty intense. This shows that customer satisfaction felt by the GO-JEK in Mataram not enough to give the effect of word of mouth will be done by the customer GO-JEK. The results of this study differ from Thurau et al (2003) which states that the satisfaction of the customer received within a period long enough, will produce a positive value to the word of mouth that they have a good impression on a product. The satisfaction of consumers may affect performance results, including loyalty and word of mouth communications or refer interests.

According to Bigham (2007), word of mouth communication is informal communication about the product or service that is different from formal communication because in this communication the sender does not speak in a professional capacity or commercial communication. Word of mouth itself is a form of conversation about a product from one person to another person on a message that is sometimes not recognized by the sender or recipient of the communication itself. Word of mouth making the information more quickly to be accepted by others to be a product and services. This is consistent with that put forward by Herr (1991) in the Bigham (2007), that the word of mouth has a greater level of impact than the written information. Moreover, at the present time, with the presence of social media, making information, both positive and negative about a product and services will spread faster. Digital word of mouth through social media is one of the latest forms of word of mouth. So when consumers were satisfied with the products and services, the very high propensity of consumers would share the experience they get through social media. However, the application GO-JEK still relatively new in Mataram, GO-JEK entrance to the city of Mataram in 2017 and has never made a more localized marketing effort of the residents in the city of Mataram. The public only knows the GO-JEK of conventional media is centralized in Jakarta alone.

The study provides an overview according to the attribution theory, which in theory states that a person will behave when it has sufficient information to have confidence and strong reasons. After having those three things a person will act when they have reasons strong to do something, as well as with consumers who would do word of mouth or convey information after they feel and believe and are sure to be something that will be informed by feeling directly and this will encourage consumers to share the experience satisfied or dissatisfied with others (Kelley and Michela, 1980).

So until GO-JEK needs to create something more impactful and powerful in Mataram Mataram so that people get closer back to the GO-JEK application. The results of this study different from the results of research conducted by Saifuddin (2016), who found that satisfaction significantly influences word of mouth, where if the customer is satisfied will be the online product bought then these customers will tell it directly through social media twitter or social media kind. This is because many people are not aware that the application GO-JEK able to help their daily lives. In essence, the company should be able to make the customer feel the satisfaction of the products is sold to tell about these products to others. VI.

14. Conclusion

1) Experiential marketing and no significant positive effect on word of mouth. This shows that the better the impression of experiential marketing which is accepted by the customer will improve word of mouth customers using GO-JEK in Mataram but the effect is not significant. In other words, customers will tell or retell to others about the GO-JEK in Mataram after taste or use. 2) Experiential marketing is a positive and significant impact on satisfaction. It gives the sense that the better the impression of experiential marketing is perceived by the customer can increase customer satisfaction using GO-JEK in Mataram. 3) Satisfaction and no significant positive effect on word of mouth. This illustrates that the higher the satisfaction felt by the customer, it will increase the intensity of the customer to tell or not to tell his experiences to others after using GO-JEK in Mataram.


15. Recommendation

This research only focuses on customer willingness GO-JEK in doing positive word of mouth without measure the strength of the effect of each variable and the indicator on the word of mouth that will be delivered by the customer itself. Whereas in fact the strength of experience and satisfaction derived by the customer, it could generate negative word of mouth. In addition, this study did not specifically examine how the spread of word of mouth is done by the customer GO-JEK. So the results are still not up to describe the activities of word of mouth customer experiences and the satisfaction derived.

So good for future studies, the researchers were able to examine the strength of the effects produced by the dependent variable and the mediating variable in influencing word of mouth will be delivered consumer and selection by spreading the word of mouth of consumers through social media, such as application WhatsApp, Facebook or Instagram or researcher can then add variable E-WOM.

Figure 1. Table 1 :
.1. the
Figure 2. Table

Appendix A

Appendix A.1

Appendix B

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Effect of Experiential Marketing on Word of Mouth with Satisfaction as Intervening Variable (Study at GO-JEK Customer in Mataram)
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Date: 2019-01-15