A Critical Look at Some Available Examples of e-Learning Content

Table of contents

1. Introduction

urrently, almost all of the information and communication research work areinterested in modalities of content stocks exploration available in databases. In contrast few or very few are those who ask the question of designing a quality document. Rather it takes an orientation that reduces presentations at the essential (a teacher who reduced his course to a power point). But thinking in this direction should be continued, because such content organization unquestionably facilitates their understanding and reuse.

We have drawn the greater part information about distance education in the sport field, contacts with experts from Moroccan institutes and faculties of the trades of French sport, benefiting of their lessons learned. We also explored, documentary research, online databases, catalogs and the search engines.

2. a) document searches

We consulted library resource and documents from other extraneous institutions developed in the field, as well as recent reports prepared for the University of Lyon I (Boure, 2002).

We also explored other discussion papers such as specifications, and reports varied and diverse. We finally swept away various Internet resources indicate the status of ongoing discussions. Some of these include especially distinguished are the federating sites on elearning.

3. b) Data Bases: Bases online

This research tool provides access to fifty documentary databases covering all scientific and technical areas such as Science Direct. We made various researches, very successful in the online datab-ases covering Sport field. We also performed research in UVHC university bibliographic database.

4. c) Catalogs: Sudoc

We also explored the catalog of the University System Documentation. This is the French union catalog carried out by the libraries and documentation centers of higher education and research. It includes more than 10 million bibliographic records describing all types of documents (books, theses, journals, online resources, audiovisual documents microforms, maps, sheet music, manuscripts and old books ...). The Su doc catalog also describes the collections magazines and journals around 2000 documentary facilities outside higher learning (municipal libraries, documentation centers ...). Finally, it aims to identify all theses produced in France.

5. d) D. Search Engine: Scirus

SCIRUS is a search engine specialized in searching for scientific documents published on the web, produced by Elsevier Science from FAST technology which allows the secure remote transmission of data and the creation of opposable electronic evidence on the long term. Contrary to general search engines which indicate all pages discovered by their robot, SCIRUS only indexes the pages present on servers referenced by Elsevier for their scientific content. In addition to the web pages retrieved by the robot, Elsevier says documents from electronic resources (Science Direct), databases (Medline, NASA, Beilstein), patents us, preprint servers and Open Archive.

The results are thus less heterogeneous and more focused:

? Pages of universities (domain names edu, ac.uk and others.).

? Scientific organizations and pages of congresses, conferences (.org).

? Government pages related to sciences, including health or sport

? Pages of scientific Can review a variety of content found on internet, including, without being exhaustive obviously, we begin with the most rudimentary, namely: i. We can find the slides courses that are often of the course materials available to remote learners. It is often a static content but can be included the sound system, previewed by a browser or as a mimeographed (pdf) as presented in the figure below. The learner in front of this sample screen shot can only unhook in the absence of pedagogical orientation.

6. Video of the teacher alone

7. iii. Filmed course

We can film not only the teacher but also learners, blackboard, slides ... We see the teacher writing on the blackboard. We can see some learners who ask questions. Sometimes you can even see the room in which the course takes place. This is interesting, a little living, but the course is not structured.

8. iv. Site based resources

Workshops, exposures or virtual laboratories are sites that take the form of a resources center that promotes learning in a knowledge area. The pages of the website are then structured according to resources grouped according a metaphor: laboratory, workshop, exposure, etc., rather than knowledge structure or activities. For example, a site organized in the style of an exposure of online resources (Figure 4), will include pages that can browse in any order and without any pedagogical orientation. Such a site can focus on learning information technology, vehicle placement on the dwelling or any other matter as is the case of multiple shows held annually in different cities. The site is not structured according to the content. The first component is scanning of the course contents. These web pages, which are available on printable version to read a part of the computer, static in general, whose use can be read online or read after printing.

9. vi. The digitized and animated handout

The second component of content is entertainment. Can animate the handout to explain concepts easily manageable. Sometimes it is interesting to do this kind of things because explain a text becomes in comprehensible. However, the explanation of the course with an animation becomes transferable. One can also use hyperlinks to appeal to other explanatory details of the course.

10. vii. The scanned mimeographed, animated and interactive

The third content component is the interaction. This type of content is oriented learner actions.

11. ix. Exercises

These are learner resources, exercises with solutions which access is restricted to prevent the learner to not looking the answer in advance. The following figure shows an example of exercises with solutions.

The classic QCM. It is a learner pedagogical tool, in which a question is asked and offers answers with good and wrong answers. These resources can still be accessed remotely.

12. x. The case studies

This time around it is subjects for further consideration provided to the learner individually or collectively. There is no content at the outset; it is for the learner to must construct the content. If it is a collective work, it will be done on a collaborative work space. An example of a case study is shown in Figure 10. In this case, we have the documents produced by learners who can be interesting. At this time, these documents will be interesting to make available to future students and designed to enrich the online resources available. Some work may be put online, but not all. The e-learning cannot solve all the practical work online. In Figure 21, for example, has practical work that can be performed on animated images in 3D. This is a pedagogical device "Unity" applied in the field of sport. In which it is proposed to move the arm or head.... of the skeleton in order to calculate certain parameters and perform a number of processing and analysis for a better course understanding.

13. xii. Activity-based Sites

The Hyperguides websites are oriented on the description of learning activities rather than on the information or resources to use. One such site plans replace traditional courses and printed study guides, but a non-linear and interactive way. The home page will present the course structure and provide access to its main subdivisions called modules or units of learning.

Each of these learning units is described using a learning scenario. Each scenario presents the activities, pedagogical materials to consult (in this case books, videos, and tutorials), work to produce and the interrelationships between these events. Each activity is then described using the equipment to consult or use, work to be produced, an estimate of its duration and a set point that describes the activity conduct.

Here, the course content is encapsulated in the teaching material and the work produced by learners. As and when they work, their works enrich the content database. This work can be exchanged and evaluated by peers and / or trainer, reinserted into the database and reused in other activities. The environment of each user type will be built taking into account this approach. Be avoided incorporate, for example, a browser scenario, since it would duplicate the site, but a browser of knowledge will be useful to identify activities that address particular content.

Also, duplication of resources between the site and the environment is avoided as much as possible, except for easier navigation. For example, access to forums will be from the environment rather than on the site, unless a particularly important forum is inserted into a scenario and describes locally. Thus ease the site by reducing the number of icons and hyperlinks, which will facilitate the implementation and modification.

14. xiii. Simulators

A simulator is a solution for practical work online, as shown in Figure 23 : The simulation is also a solution to practical work online for some disciplines. You can also download via the simulator all the necessary tools to do a simulation in a given area. We find that the number of digital content for teaching are rising inexorably. The elearning, which was previously an emerging concept is now becoming a form of teaching in itself. In this regard, we counted these examples providing expertise online. The strong use of TICE leads irrevocably a new situation in terms of access to educational information. We note that the value is less in the content itself, but more in the need to find this content to bring effective support to users, teachers and learners. The learner may be lost in the slew of competitors in the market. This need has given rise to research problems on the contents structure and of the pedagogical resources combination.

At the scale of Moroccan universities, integration of e-learning remains well developed and exploited in the field of initial training and continuing education, especially in computer science, languages and office automation. The question posed by content designers is: which platform to invest? The risk that the designers and learners prefer the "common denominators" that found a model to another. The pedagogical value of content depends on criteria for assessing and the public. But instructional content often reflects the pedagogy of its author. When you have a bad content, it does not mean we do not have a good writer and you do not have a good teacher, as shown in Figure 14. In Figure 14 is shown in 2D pedagogical value and design difficulties. You can have a very important pedagogical value without putting considerable technical means, such as case studies, exercises, QCM , which represent simple and interesting pedagogical activities. And if we want to increase the pedagogical value, there must be a little more design and will lead to simulators, TP online, etc. Bilan -One insists on the personal qualities of the teacher, ie to say its ability to communicate with learners in an informal way, coupled with an empathetic attitude that allows him to promote learning in a conducive work environment to exchange information. -The other focuses on the level of expertise of the designer as a facilitator of learning element.

Cognitive congruence, ability pedagogical to express in the learners language can be defined as association academic competence (expertise) and personal qualities (social congruence) (Schmidt & Moust cited by Baudrit, 2000). Several French universities have developed their structure e-learning in sport, with the sole aim of facilitating of free access to online resources. It can be seen to be, in universities and engineering schools, new professional units, the cells 'TICE' (Information Technology and Communication for Education)designing and implementing online an collection of electronic resources pedagogical purposes. The use and manipulation of these new types of resources are the subject of much research in SIC. This work focuses on the structure, characterization, combining, sharing and finally customizing these online teaching resources.

We especially want to insist that no matter the technology forward, produce an e-learning document is first and foremost a matter of storyboarding content and intellectual rigor. The pedagogical engineering or the designer cannot control everything. However, that answer fully, is it enough to the learner satisfaction? The learner may be lost in the mass of competitors that exist on the market. It is appropriate, therefore, return to the need of the learner, the technological imperatives often make lost sight of. Often the question of the design is placed upside down. Instead of wondering about the needs and expectations of users, pedagogical engineer strives to provide the most recent and most sophisticated technologies that are not necessarily suitable to end users.

15. II.

16. Conclusion

The result is that the adoption of a quality approach imposes an inversion of point of view where the user needs satisfaction premium any form of technological determinism. The design should be positioned upstream, before examining technological solution, and it must include a phase of listening to the user's needs and expectations. The reference to sociocultural context of user's reference as for the offers actors (teachers, learners ...) is essential in this process. Which is why the SIC can help in modeling the design process of the e-learning document sport to make it exploited and the learner does not pick? Bibliography 1. BAUDRIT, A. (1999). Tuteur: une place, des fonctions, un métier? Paris, PUF.

Figure 1. Figure 1 :
1Figure 1: Video of the teacher alone
Figure 2. Figure 2 :
2Figure 2 : PDF format resources (*. Pdf)
Figure 3. Figure 3 :
3Figure 3 : Channel U: The number PI (John Brette)
Figure 4. Figure 4 :
4Figure 4 : Site based resources v. The scanned handoutThe first component is scanning of the course contents. These web pages, which are available on printable version to read a part of the computer, static in general, whose use can be read online or read after printing.
Figure 5. Figure 5 :
5Figure 5 : Scanned handoutFor example, we briefly describe the course "biomechanics 3D" offered by UV2S University and reused by the UVHC university. This course has been set up for the first time in September 2012 and will be offered to learners STAPS L3. This course uses the Moodle retained as institutional platform of the University of Valenciennes. This choice is consistent with an institutional strategy that aims in the short term, only for the online course materials and not to structure and screenwriter all the university courses.
Figure 6. Figure 6 :
6Figure 6 : The digitized and animated handout
Figure 7. Figure 7 :
7Figure 7 : The scanned handout, animated and interactive Instead of looking at what is displayed on screen, the learner can interact with the course, to enter values and get results.viii. The QCM
Figure 8. Figure 9 :
9Figure 9 : Exercises This, it is not an e-learning course, but just repository resources on Moodle e-learning plat form. These resources can still be accessed remotely.
Figure 9. Figure 10 :
10Figure 10 : The case studies
Figure 10. A
Critical Look at Some Available Examples of e-Learning Content pas de contenus au départ ! Pédagogie de production -en général, travaux collectifs
Figure 11. Figure 11 :
11Figure 11: The online practical work
Figure 12. Figure 12 :
12Figure 12 : Activity-based Sites
Figure 13. Figure 13 :
13Figure 13 : Simulators (Source CNAM)
Figure 14. Figure 14 :
14Figure 14 : Design difficulties (source: CNAM)

Appendix A

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  10. « Vers une conception d'un contenu de la Formation à Distance sur Moodle ». Actes de la 1ère Conférence international SIIE, S El Harrassi , S Bennani , M Touzani , N El Faddouli , M Khalidi . HAMMAMET-TUNISIE -14- 16 Février. 2008. 2008. p. .
  11. « Vers l'interopérabilité d'un Document médiatisé » Actes de la 1ère Conférence internationale LEAFA 2010« e-Learning For All, S El Harrassi , M Labour , S Leleu-Merveil . 2010. Hammamet (Tunisie. p. .
  12. « Vers la médiatisation d'un Document de qualité en e-learning en Sport. S El Harrassi , M Labour , S Leleu-Merviel . Actes du 29ème congrès INFORSID-Lille, (s du 29ème congrès INFORSID-Lille) 2011. -24-26 Mai 2011. p. .
  13. «Users' Perspective About Learning Management Systems And Interoperabity. S El Harrassi . Proceedings of IADIS e-Learning, (IADIS e-Learning) 2011. 2011. p. . (Rome-Italie, 20-26 juillet)
  14. « Vers la procéduralisation du document e-learning en Sport. S El Harrassi , P Laudati . IETC 2012-Taiwan-11-13. TOWARDS THE E-LEARNING DOCUMENT PROCEDURALISATION IN SPORT». Proceedings Book of the 12th International Educational Technology Conference, 2012.
Date: 2014-01-15