Table of contents


The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Business Operations By Zuo Bruno Summary-Artificial Intelligence (AI) is driving a significant and positive change in how businesses operate, fundamentally changing established models and pushing enterprises towards a more efficient and innovative future. This concise abstract explores the intricate influence of artificial intelligence (AI) on several aspects of corporate operations. It thoroughly analyses the development and present uses of AI, as well as successful cases, obstacles, and forthcoming trends.

1. An Examination of the Role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Operations of Businesses.

The introduction provides a comprehensive overview of the development of AI and its incorporation into business operations. The text explores the role of AI in transforming decisionmaking processes, highlighting its versatility in optimizing operations across various industries. It covers topics such as automation and predictive analytics.

2. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being Increasingly Utilized in Several Aspects of Business


An extensive examination of AI applications includes the enhanced efficiency of automation, the predictive capabilities of analytics, the transformative influence of AI in Customer Relationship Management (CRM), and its effects on Supply Chain Management. The passage emphasizes the essential role of AI in improving operational efficiency.

3. GJMBR-D Classification: FOR Code: 0803

TheImpactofArtificialIntelligenceonBusinessOperations Strictly as per the compliance and regulations of:

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Business Operations Zuo Bruno Summary-Artificial Intelligence (AI) is driving a significant and positive change in how businesses operate, fundamentally changing established models and pushing enterprises towards a more efficient and innovative future. This concise abstract explores the intricate influence of artificial intelligence (AI) on several aspects of corporate operations. It thoroughly analyses the development and present uses of AI, as well as successful cases, obstacles, and forthcoming trends.

1. An Examination of the Role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Operations of Businesses.

The introduction provides a comprehensive overview of the development of AI and its incorporation into business operations. The text explores the role of AI in transforming decision-making processes, highlighting its versatility in optimizing operations across various industries. It covers topics such as automation and predictive analytics.

4. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being Increasingly Utilized in

Several Aspects of Business Operations. An extensive examination of AI applications includes the enhanced efficiency of automation, the predictive capabilities of analytics, the transformative influence of AI in Customer Relationship Management (CRM), and its effects on Supply Chain Management. The passage emphasizes the essential role of AI in improving operational efficiency.

5. Examples of Successful Implementation of Artificial

Intelligence Case studies are used to demonstrate real-world applications, namely how large companies utilize artificial intelligence (AI) for tailored suggestions, optimizing industrial processes, and detecting fraud in financial institutions. These stories emphasize the concrete advantages that AI provides to many industries.

6. Obstacles and Moral Deliberations

Delving into the negative aspects, the abstract explores issues such as data privacy, concerns about employment displacement, and biases in AI algorithms. This addresses the ethical concerns that arise from the integration of AI and emphasizes the importance of developing AI responsibly.

7. Emerging Developments and Advancements

The document examines the possible collaborations between AI and quantum computing, the emergence of Explainable AI (XAI) for clear decision-making, and the expansion of AI into Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs).

8. Repercussions for Corporate Executives

The second-to-last section presents valuable perspectives for executives, offering tactics for integrating AI and highlighting the pivotal importance of training the workforce to navigate a future dominated by AI.

9. In conclusion

The description provides a concise overview of how AI has significantly influenced business operations and highlights the potential areas of investigation in the always growing field of AI integration.

10. I. Overview

he relentless progression of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the history of technological advancement has been marked by an intriguing interplay between human inventiveness and machine capacities. This section delves into a detailed examination of the Evolution of Artificial Intelligence, charting its transformational progression from basic rule-based systems to the advanced machine learning algorithms and neural networks that characterize its current capabilities.

The evolution of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a significant process.

11. a) Rule-Based Systems

Rule-based systems were fundamental in the early stages of AI development. These systems functioned based on explicit instructions, in which human experts encoded their knowledge into algorithms. Although rules were beneficial for certain activities, their inflexibility hindered adaptability.

12. i. The Conceptual Framework of Machine Learning

The introduction of machine learning brought about a significant change in the prevailing mindset. Algorithms have progressed from predetermined rules to systems that can acquire knowledge from data. This was the beginning of a new era, in which AI had the ability to identify patterns, make forecasts, and adjust its behavior based on past encounters.

13. ii. Emergence of Neural Networks

The re-emergence of neural networks, drawing inspiration from the intricate organization of the human brain, signified a critical juncture. Deep learning, a branch of machine learning, enables AI systems to analyze large datasets, identify complex patterns, and achieve exceptional precision in tasks like picture recognition and natural language processing.

14. iii. Reinforcement Learning and Beyond

Reinforcement learning is a continuing journey in the field of evolution, where artificial intelligence acquires knowledge by engaging in a process of trial and error, imitating the learning methods of humans. As we approach the future, artificial intelligence is exploring Author: e-mail: [email protected] areas such as unsupervised learning, generative adversarial networks (GANs), and quantum-inspired computing. This indicates a path where AI evolves from being a mere tool to being an intellectual partner.

15. b) The Incorporation of Artificial Intelligence in Business

The narrative smoothly shifts to the mutually beneficial incorporation of AI into the framework of commercial operations. The age when AI was considered a distant possibility has ended; it has now become an essential influence that shapes the strategies, operations, and innovations of organizations.

16. i. The Revolution of Automation

Automation serves as the forefront of incorporating AI. Businesses utilize robotic process automation (RPA) to optimize routine activities, hence improving operational efficiency. The continuous advancement of algorithms in various fields, including as data entry and customer assistance, allows human resources to be freed up for more strategic pursuits.


17. . Proficiency in Predictive Analytics

The predictive capabilities of AI have become crucial in strategic decision-making. Enterprises utilize predictive analytics to forecast market trends, manage supply chain operations, and anticipate client preferences. This not only reduces risks but also drives organizations towards being proactive and forwardthinking entities.

18. iii. The Cognitive Leap of Cognitive Computing in

Cognitive computing signifies a significant advancement in the integration of artificial intelligence. It facilitates the comprehension, acquisition, and interaction of systems in a manner that resembles human language. In the corporate context, this refers to the utilization of sophisticated customer relationship management (CRM) systems that possess the ability to understand and address consumer inquiries with a level of acumen similar to that of a human, hence improving user experiences.

19. iv. Transforming Industries with Artificial Intelligence

In addition to its impact on individual applications, artificial intelligence fundamentally transforms entire industries. AI is revolutionizing various domains, ranging from healthcare diagnostics to financial risk assessments. The integration encompasses smart manufacturing, where artificial intelligence coordinates production processes, and the emerging field of autonomous cars, where algorithms traverse intricate settings.

This section provides an overview of the development of AI and its integration into the complex fabric of contemporary business.

20. II. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being Increasingly Utilized in Several Aspects of Business Operations

This section explores the various applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in corporate operations, highlighting the innovative ways it has improved efficiency, analytics, customer relations, supply chains, and decision-making processes.

21. a) The Implementation of Automation and Enhancement of Efficiency i. Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

RPA is a prominent force in the automation revolution driven by AI. It frees enterprises from monotonous, rule-driven duties, allowing for more efficient procedures. RPA, or Robotic Process Automation, improves productivity, minimizes mistakes, and enables human resources to concentrate on tasks that need creativity and strategic thinking, ranging from invoice processing to data entry.

22. ii. Intelligent Document Processing (IDP)

IDP, an AI-driven advancement in document processing, retrieves valuable information from unorganized material. It systematically analyses extensive amounts of documents, detecting patterns and extracting pertinent information. This not only accelerates the process of making decisions based on

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data, but also strengthens organizations in their ability to handle the difficulties caused by an excessive amount of information.

25. b) Anticipatory Analysis i. Predicting Market Trends

Predictive analytics, a well-established component of AI applications, enables firms to forecast market trends with exceptional precision. Through the examination of past data, recognition of recurring trends, and utilization of machine learning algorithms, businesses may make well-informed choices, enhance marketing tactics, and maintain a competitive edge in rapidly changing market environments.

26. ii. Enhancing the Efficiency of Supply Chains

AI plays a significant role in supply chain management, utilizing predictive analytics to optimize logistics. The act of estimating demand, optimizing inventory levels, and forecasting supplier performance transitions from mere aspirations to concrete reality. The outcome is a supply chain that functions with streamlined accuracy, diminishing expenses and augmenting overall effectiveness.

27. c) CRM (Customer Relationship Management) i. Tailored Customer Experiences

AI revolutionizes the field of customer relationship management, bringing about a significant change in the way it operates. Algorithms utilize data on client behaviour, preferences, and interactions in order to create tailored experiences. By incorporating artificial intelligence, CRM systems enhance customer loyalty and foster a dynamic and responsive interaction between customers and companies. This is achieved through features such as chatbots that offer immediate assistance and predictive product recommendations.

28. ii. Analysis of Emotional Tone

The incorporation of sentiment analysis into CRM systems signifies a significant achievement. Artificial intelligence systems analyze client sentiments based on their interactions, reviews, and feedback. Businesses acquire valuable knowledge about client satisfaction levels, allowing them to adjust their strategy, immediately resolve problems, and cultivate a favorable brand image.

29. d) Supply Chain Management i. Efficient Inventory Control

The influence of AI on supply chain management encompasses intelligent inventory management. AI algorithms utilize real-time monitoring to maintain inventory levels at their most optimal state. This not only avoids situations where there is a shortage or excess of stock, but also reduces the expenses associated with holding inventory and improves the overall ability of the supply chain to withstand disruptions.

30. ii. Accuracy of Demand Forecasting

The field of demand forecasting is experiencing a revival with the integration of artificial intelligence. AIpowered algorithms utilize historical data, market trends, and external factors to generate detailed demand forecasts. Businesses can use this agility to synchronize production and distribution with real market demands, resulting in waste reduction and enhanced resource allocation.

31. e) Processes for Making Decision i. Enhanced Decision-Making

Artificial intelligence enhances decision-making processes by offering insights based on data analysis. Machine learning algorithms process extensive datasets, providing valuable insights for making strategic decisions. The combination of human intuition and machine precision enhances the quality and speed of decision-making in several business sectors.

32. ii. Precision in Risk Management

AI enhances risk management by accurately recognizing potential risks and forecasting their potential consequences. AI empowers firms with a proactive defense against uncertainties by evaluating financial risks, assessing market swings, and gauging operational vulnerabilities.

This section explores the various and significant uses of AI in the complex fabric of business processes,

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demonstrating how these technologies are not only tools but also agents of transformation.

35. III. Examples of Successful Implementation of Artificial Intelligence

In this part, we explore notable case studies that demonstrate the profound impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in many business sectors.

36. a) The Impact of AI-Powered Recommendations on Ecommerce Giants i. Amazon's Dynamic Product Recommendations

Amazon, the dominant force in online retail, has transformed the way customers interact with its platform through the use of artificial intelligence-powered recommendations. Amazon's recommendation engine utilizes data from purchase history, browsing behavior, and user preferences to provide personalized product suggestions. Not only does this improve user involvement, but it also greatly contributes to the platform's earnings, demonstrating the power of AI in changing the future of online shopping.

37. ii. Netflix's Customized Content Recommendations

Netflix utilizes artificial intelligence (AI) to produce tailored content recommendations for its consumers in the digital streaming domain. Netflix utilizes advanced algorithms to provide a personalized viewer experience by analyzing viewing history, genre preferences, and the timing of user engagement. This not only retains consumers' engagement but also serves as an illustration of how AI might revolutionize content consumption in the entertainment sector.

38. b) Enhancing Manufacturing Efficiency using Artificial Intelligence

i. Bosch's Implementation of Predictive Maintenance Bosch, a prominent participant in the manufacturing sector, utilizes artificial intelligence for the purpose of predictive maintenance. Bosch utilizes sensors and AI algorithms to proactively predict and prevent equipment breakdowns. By adopting this proactive approach, the amount of time that production is halted is minimized, the expenses associated with maintenance are decreased, and the manufacturing process operates at its highest level of efficiency.

39. ii. Siemens' Implementation of AI-Powered Quality Control

Siemens utilizes artificial intelligence to enhance quality control in the manufacturing process. Computer vision algorithms analyze visual data obtained from production lines in order to detect any defects or deviations that do not meet the quality standards. This not only improves the quality of the product but also simplifies the manufacturing process, demonstrating how AI can significantly impact precision and efficiency.

40. c) The Role of Financial Institutions and Artificial

Intelligence in Fraud Detection

41. i. PayPal's Algorithms for Detecting Fraud

PayPal utilizes artificial intelligence (AI) in the financial industry to strengthen its defences against fraudulent activities. AI algorithms analyse transaction patterns, user behaviour, and other relevant data to detect potentially fraudulent transactions. The prompt analysis in real-time guarantees prompt intervention, safeguarding both the platform and its users against financial hazards. HSBC's risk assessment system utilizes artificial intelligence technology.

HSBC utilizes artificial intelligence (AI) to assess risks, specifically in the process of evaluating loan applications. Machine learning algorithms evaluate the creditworthiness of applicants by analysing a wide range of data points, such as credit history, spending patterns, and economic indicators. This not only expedites the decision-making process but also enhances the accuracy of risk assessments in the realm of financial services.

These case studies underscore the versatility and impact of AI applications in different sectors, showcasing how businesses can leverage these technologies to optimize operations, enhance user experiences, and fortify their positions in competitive markets.

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44. IV. Challenges and Ethical Considerations

In this section, we delve into the critical challenges and ethical considerations associated with the widespread adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in business operations.

45. a) Data Privacy and Security

46. i. The Balancing Act

As businesses increasingly rely on AI to analyze vast datasets, the issue of data privacy becomes paramount. The challenge lies in striking a delicate balance between harnessing the insights derived from extensive data and safeguarding the privacy rights of individuals. Stricter regulations and heightened public awareness emphasize the need for businesses to adopt robust data protection measures, ensuring the responsible and ethical use of information.

47. ii. Security Implications

With the proliferation of AI, the vulnerability of systems to cyber threats escalates. The interconnectedness of AI systems poses security challenges, as any compromise in the data integrity or algorithmic processes can have far-reaching consequences. Businesses must proactively address these concerns by implementing advanced cybersecurity measures, encryption protocols, and continuous monitoring to fortify their AI-driven infrastructures.

48. b) Job Displacement Concerns i. The Automation Paradox

While AI promises increased efficiency and productivity, the fear of job displacement looms large. Automation, driven by AI, has the potential to replace certain repetitive tasks, leading to concerns about the future of employment in various sectors. Businesses must navigate this ethical challenge by fostering a transition that focuses on upskilling the workforce, creating new job opportunities, and ensuring a responsible approach to technological advancement that considers its broader societal impact. The Automation Paradox refers to the phenomenon where as automated systems become more efficient, the need and importance for human intervention increases. This concept highlights the critical role of human operators in overseeing and correcting errors that may arise in automated systems. Despite the aim of automation to reduce human errors and speed up processes, the paradox emphasizes that humans become more valuable in ensuring the proper functioning of automated systems.

49. ii. Reskilling Initiatives

Addressing job displacement concerns involves proactive reskilling initiatives. Companies can play a pivotal role in mitigating this challenge by investing in training programs that equip employees with the skills needed for the evolving job market. Collaborative efforts between governments, educational institutions, and businesses are essential to create a resilient workforce capable of thriving in an AI-driven era.

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51. Global Journal of Management and Business Research ( D ) XXIV Issue I Version I Year 2024 c) Bias in AI Algorithms

52. i. Unveiling Algorithmic Bias

AI algorithms, when trained on biased datasets, can perpetuate and even exacerbate societal biases. This becomes particularly evident in sectors like recruitment, finance, and criminal justice. Recognizing and rectifying algorithmic bias is crucial for fostering inclusivity and fairness. Businesses must prioritize diversity in their data collection processes, implement transparency in algorithmic decision-making, and continuously audit and refine their models to minimize bias.

53. ii. Ethical AI Design

To address bias, businesses should adopt an ethical approach to AI design. This involves rigorous testing for bias, constant monitoring of algorithmic outputs, and integrating ethical considerations into the development lifecycle. By adhering to ethical AI principles, businesses not only mitigate the risks of bias but also contribute to the creation of more equitable and just technological systems.

This section highlights the imperative for businesses to grapple with the complex challenges and ethical considerations inherent in the integration of AI into their operations. Addressing these issues is crucial for ensuring that the benefits of AI are realized responsibly and ethically.

54. V. Future Trends and Innovations

In this section, we explore the emerging trends and innovations that are poised to shape the future landscape of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in business operations.

55. a) AI and Quantum Computing i. Quantum Leap in Computing

The synergy between AI and quantum computing heralds a transformative era in computational capabilities. Quantum computing's inherent capacity for parallel processing unlocks unparalleled potential for handling complex AI algorithms. This symbiotic relationship is expected to revolutionize optimization problems, cryptography, and machine learning tasks, paving the way for advancements that were previously deemed computationally infeasible.

56. ii. Quantum Supremacy and AI Advancements

As quantum computing achieves milestones like quantum supremacy, the applications for AI expand exponentially. Quantum algorithms promise to exponentially speed up certain AI computations, propelling breakthroughs in areas such as drug discovery, optimization of logistical operations, and solving intricate machine learning challenges. The convergence of AI and quantum computing is not just an evolution; it is a paradigm shift in computational capabilities.

57. b) Explainable AI (XAI) for Transparent Decision-Making i. The Imperative of Transparency

The advent of complex AI models has underscored the need for transparency in decisionmaking processes. Explainable AI (XAI) addresses this imperative by providing interpretable insights into how AI systems arrive at specific conclusions. Businesses increasingly recognize the importance of transparent AI, particularly in sectors where accountability and comprehension of decisions are paramount.

ii. Building Trust through Explainability XAI enhances the trustworthiness of AI systems. By offering clear explanations for decisions, XAI not only ensures compliance with regulatory frameworks but also fosters user trust. As businesses deploy AI in critical areas like finance, healthcare, and autonomous systems, the ability to understand and explain AI-driven decisions becomes a foundational element in the acceptance and ethical application of these technologies.

58. c) Integration of AI in Small and Medium-sized

Enterprises (SMEs)

i. Democratizing AI Access Traditionally, large enterprises with substantial resources have led to AI adoption. However, the future sees a democratization of AI access, particularly for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). As AI technologies become more accessible and tailored solutions emerge, SMEs can harness the power of AI to enhance operational efficiency, customer engagement, and overall competitiveness.

59. ii. Customized Solutions for SMEs

Innovations in AI frameworks and cloud-based solutions enable SMEs to implement customized AI applications that align with their specific needs. From streamlining supply chain processes to automating customer interactions, AI empowers SMEs to make data-driven decisions and compete effectively in dynamic markets. The integration of AI in SMEs represents a democratization of innovation, driving economic growth and fostering a more inclusive technological landscape.

This section illuminates the trajectory of AI's future, showcasing the transformative potential of quantum computing, the pivotal role of explainable AI in transparent decision-making, and the democratization of AI access for SMEs. As businesses navigate this dynamic landscape, these trends will undoubtedly shape the next chapter in the evolution of AI in business operations.

60. VI. Implications for Business Leaders

In this section, we delve into the practical implications that the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) holds for business leaders, addressing key

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strategies for implementation and the crucial aspect of workforce preparation.

63. a) Strategies for Implementing AI in Business Operations

i. Aligning AI with Business Objectives Successful AI integration requires a strategic alignment with overarching business objectives. Leaders must delineate clear goals and identify areas where AI can deliver maximum impact. Whether optimizing internal processes, enhancing customer experiences, or improving decision-making, a well-defined strategy ensures that AI initiatives contribute directly to the organization's success.

64. ii. Incremental Implementation and Scalability

Rather than pursuing a comprehensive AI overhaul, leaders are advised to adopt an incremental implementation approach. Beginning with pilot projects allows for iterative testing, refinement, and minimization of risks. Scalability considerations should be an integral part of the strategy, ensuring that successful AI implementations can be expanded across different business functions.

65. iii. Collaboration and Ecosystem Integration

AI implementation extends beyond technology; it involves fostering collaboration and integrating AI within the broader business ecosystem. Business leaders should explore partnerships with AI vendors, industry consortia, and research institutions. This collaborative approach not only facilitates knowledge exchange but also enhances the collective intelligence available for optimizing AI applications.

66. b) Training the Workforce for an AI-Driven Future i. Reskilling and Upskilling Initiatives

The advent of AI necessitates a paradigm shift in workforce skills. Business leaders must invest in reskilling and upskilling programs to empower employees with the competencies required in an AIdriven environment. These initiatives should address not only technical skills related to AI but also soft skills such as adaptability, critical thinking, and creativity.

67. ii. Creating a Culture of Continuous Learning

Establishing a culture of continuous learning is paramount for preparing the workforce for an AI-driven future. Leaders should encourage employees to embrace learning as an ongoing process, fostering a mindset that values adaptability and embraces the acquisition of new skills. By institutionalizing a culture of continuous learning, organizations position themselves to navigate the evolving landscape of AI technologies.

68. iii. Ethical and Responsible AI Training

As AI systems become integral to business operations, leaders must prioritize ethical considerations. Workforce training should encompass ethical AI practices, emphasizing transparency, fairness, and accountability. This ensures that employees understand the ethical dimensions of AI applications and contribute to responsible AI implementation within the organization.

This section outlines actionable strategies for business leaders to navigate the implementation of AI in their operations, emphasizing strategic alignment, incremental adoption, and collaborative approaches. Additionally, it underscores the imperative of workforce preparation through reskilling, upskilling, and the cultivation of a culture of continuous learning, with a specific focus on ethical and responsible AI practices.

69. VII. Conclusion

As we draw the curtains on our exploration of the transformative synergy between Artificial Intelligence (AI) and business operations, this section offers a recapitulation of AI's profound impact and ventures into the uncharted territories that lie ahead.

70. a) Recapitulation of AI's Impact on Business Operations

Throughout this discourse, we've traced the evolution of AI, witnessed its integration into various facets of business operations, and examined case studies illustrating its successes. From automation and efficiency gains to predictive analytics, customer relationship management, supply chain optimization, and enhanced decision-making processes, AI emerges as a catalyst for unprecedented advancements.

The case studies presented to underscore the tangible benefits experienced by diverse industries, showcasing how E-commerce giants leverage AIpowered recommendations, manufacturing undergoes optimization, and financial institutions fortify defences against fraud. These success stories affirm that AI is not a theoretical concept but a practical tool reshaping the landscape of business operations.

71. b) Looking Forward: The Uncharted Territories of AI Integration

As we peer into the future, the integration of AI in business operations promises to venture into uncharted territories. Emerging trends such as the intersection of AI and quantum computing, the pursuit of Explainable AI (XAI) for transparent decision-making, and the democratization of AI in Small and Mediumsized Enterprises (SMEs) beckon business leaders to stay vigilant and adaptive.

The ethical considerations surrounding AI challenges related to data privacy and security, job displacement concerns, and the imperative for unbiased AI algorithms highlight the need for continuous dialogue and proactive measures. Business leaders must navigate these challenges with foresight, balancing innovation with responsibility.

In conclusion, the fusion of AI and business operations is not merely a technological convergence; it is a transformative journey that demands strategic

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foresight, ethical considerations, and a commitment to cultivating a workforce prepared for the future. As we step into the uncharted territories of AI integration, the lessons gleaned from the past and present serve as guiding beacons for businesses embarking on this transformative expedition

Figure 1. T 1 ©
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Figure 2.
Figure 3.
Figure 4.

Appendix A

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  7. AI ethics. J J Bryson . ACM SIGCAS Computers and Society 2018. 48 (3) p. .
  8. Where machines could replace humans-and where they can't (yet), M Chui , J Manyika , M Miremadi . 2016. McKinsey Quarterly.
  9. T H Davenport , J Harris . Competing on Analytics: The New Science of Winning, 2017. Harvard Business Review Press.
  10. What is Explainable AI?, W Knight . 2019. MIT Technology Review.

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Date: 1970-01-01