Brand Positioning and the Consumer Mind Case Study: Maggi Noodles

Table of contents

1. I. Introduction a) What is a Brand?

brand is a product, service, or concept that is publicly distinguished from other products, services, or concepts so that it can be easily communicated and usually marketed. (Hanna, 2022) They are identified by their logos, taglines, and/or other graphical representations.

2. b) Brand Positioning and Consumer Mind

Brand positioning is the unique space a brand occupies in the brains of the customers.

It makes customers view a specific brand in a unique way by associating emotions, traits, feelings, and sentiments with it. These associations make it stand out from the competition.

Positioning is usually the reason why customers buy a specific brand whose product doesn't necessarily differ from the competitors. (Pahwa, 2021) A brand positioning strategy requires the answer to the following questions:

1. What is the target market? 2. What is the product/service? 3. How is the product/service beneficial? 4. What makes the product/service different from other similar products/services?

A good brand positioning strategy has the following features:

1. Target Market: A good brand strategy should hit the target market of the product/service. 2. Purpose-Defining: A good brand strategy should clearly define the purpose of the product/service. 3. Benefits: The benefits of the product/service should be elucidated in the said strategy. 4. Uniqueness: The strategy should explain how the product/service is different from others of its kind. 5. Brief: A good brand strategy should be short and crisp and not have unnecessary information that is of no use to the consumers. 6. Attractive: It should catch the eyes of the customers right away with its attractive logos and tagline and language that can be easily comprehended by the customers.

3. c) Types of Brand Positioning Strategy

There are various ways in which marketers position their brand in the minds of consumers. The factors include the product's Unique Selling Point (USP), current market conditions, etc. The types of brandpositioning strategies that umbrella other strategies as well.

1. Comparative: In this strategy, products/services are compared with others of a similar kind. For example, Stayfree advertisements show using Stayfree pads as compared to normal pads and how their pads have better leak protection and do not cause bad odor as compared to the others. 2. Differentiation: In this strategy, the unique features of the product/service are highlighted. This makes the brand stand out in the market. For example, Apple advertises its products as a luxury. 3. Segmentation: In this strategy, products/services are segmented for a specific group of people according to their needs. For example, the women's Horlicks advertisement focuses on the bone health of women after they reach their 30s. In this era of globalization, consumers have n number of choices of products and services in the market. To dominate the market, the producers need to establish their brand in the mindsof the consumers.

ascertaining that it brings family and friends together.

4. Problem and Solution-based Positioning:

In this strategy, the product/service are advertised as the solution to a particular problem. For example, the "5 problems, 1 solution" advertisement for Loreal Paris Shampoos. 6. Lifestyle Positioning: In this strategy, the products/services are marketed by making them a positive addition to one's lifestyle. For example, Lipton Green Tea advertisements portray that the product helps in weight loss and that it should be added to one's lifestyle. In India, Maggi noodles are a product that will be found in almost every household. These instant noodles are enjoyed by everyone ranging from kids and teenagers to even adults and senior citizens.

They are a must-have for every hosteller and a midnight snack for all students pulling all-nighters for exams. While Maggi noodles are enjoyed normally, some consumers like to customize them with various ingredients ranging from vegetables, corn, and different seasonings to butter, cheese, chicken, and eggs as well. Some people like to have them dry while some like the soupy version. Some people enjoy eating Maggi noodles in solitude while others enjoy them with friends and family. It becomes a companion in all gatherings.

Maggi has positioned itself in the minds of consumers as an instant snack that only requires 2 minutes to be prepared. It can be enjoyed when one is happy and is a mood-uplifter when one is sad.

Maggi has launched its variety including Chicken Maggi, Maggi Pasta, Maggi Masters of India, Maggi Hot Heads for spice lovers, and many more.

Maggi uses a Value-Based strategy to advertise its product. It portrays how Maggi brings people together from friends to family. It also shows that Maggi is a constant in everyone's life and while life moves on, the taste and the vibe of Maggi remains the same.

5. e) Maggi Controversy

In May 2015, food safety regulators from Barabanki a district of Uttar Pradesh, India reported that samples of Maggi 2 Minute Noodles had unexpectedly high levels of Monosodium.

Glutamate (MSG), as well as up to 17 times the permissible limit of lead. This finding led to multiple market withdrawals and investigations in India and beyond. (Wikipedia, n. d.)

During the controversy, consumers switched to different brands like Yippee noodles, Top Ramen, etc. After the controversy was over, Maggi noodles came back into the market and found their position yet again. Its consumers were unhappy about the same but the consumption began again in no time post its come-back.

The following questionnaire seeks to find how Maggi Noodles has positioned itself in the minds of its consumers. The questions are simple and easy to answer. The questionnaire has been filled by people of various age groups. The analysis of the same has been done further.

6. II. Methodology

The method of empirical analysis has been used. 100 respondents have filled out the questionnaire. The data is analysed using pie charts.

7. III. Data analysis and Result

Most of the consumers belong to the 15 years-30 years age group. This includes school and collegegoing students and some working professionals. At the same time, it is clear consumers also belong to the 30 years-50 years age group. This analysis shows that people of all age groups (especially 15 years -50 years) enjoy consuming Maggi Noodles. While 44.9% of the consumers consume Maggi noodles with friends and family, 32.7% of them consume it by themselves. This indicates that Maggi keeps one company in solitude and also is a great snack to enjoy with friends and family. 76.5% of consumers enjoy customising their Maggi Noodles with various ingredients while 23.5% of them enjoy it simply. This shows that while Maggi tastes good as it is, it also givesone the opportunity to customise their meal. Contrary to what is shown in the advertisement, most consumers take more than 5 minutes toprepare their Maggi Noodles.

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9. Global

The Lead and MSG controversy affected the trust of mere 27% of consumers' poplulation. While 41% of them did not lose trust regarding the same, 32% of them were not sure.

10. IV. Result

Maggi Noodles have successfully positioned itself in the minds of its consumers as a product that can be consumed by people of all age groups. It is enjoyed by consumers ranging from 15 years to even above 70 years (predominantly from 15 years to 30 years). Overall, they feel that the quality and the quantity of the product are good. It can be enjoyed with family and friends and also in solitude. Most consumers were unaffected by the Lead and MSG Controversy which indicates the love they have for the product. Most of them approximately take more than 2 minutes to prepare and they like to customize their meal with various ingredients. Some of them prefer to purchase separate Maggi sachets for their meals.

11. V. Conclusion

A brand is a product, service, or concept that is publicly distinguished from other products, services, or concepts so that it can be easily communicated and usually marketed. Brand positioning is the unique space a brand occupies in the brains of the customers. It makes customers view a specific brand in a unique way by associating emotions, traits, feelings, andsentiments with it. These associations make it stand out from the competition.

Maggi has done a good job when it comes to brand positioning and impacting the minds of consumers. They enjoy consuming the product frequently (most of them). They enjoy the taste and the fact that it is a quick snack. They enjoy consuming it with friends and family and even when they are alone. Hence, Maggi keeps them good company. The Lead and MSG controversy did not affect most consumers which shows their love (and maybe their habit of consuming) the product.

12. VI. Recommendations

Maggi noodles are doing a pretty good job with its brand positioning. However, as its consumers love it so much, it should keep into account its health factors and not let a controversy like the Lead MSG one happen again.

Figure 1. (
Squareup, 2021) (Pahwa, 2021) (Patel, 2022) d) Case Study: Maggi "Maggi" is a brand that predominantly supplies noodles along with sauces, seasonings, and soups. It originated in Switzerland in the late 19 th century. It was later acquired by Nestle in 1947.
Figure 2. Volume
32% of consumers consume Maggi Noodles once in 15 days. 29% of consumers consume Maggi Noodles once a week. This indicates that Maggi Noodles is a frequent snack in theIndian Households.While 33% of consumers are attracted by the taste, 21% of them are attracted as it is a quick snack. 44% of consumers are attracted by all three qualities i.e., taste, packaging and it beinga quick snack.Most consumers have rated the quality of Maggi Noodles from 3-5.Global Journal of Management and Business ResearchVolume XXIII Issue I Version I Most people have rated the quality of Maggi to the highest i.e. 5.
Figure 3.
Journal of Management and Business ResearchVolume XXIII Issue I Version I of consumers do not purchase separate Maggi Masala sachets while 44.9% of them do. This indicates that almost half the consumers do enjoy putting Maggi Masala in other meals.
Figure 4.
Figure 5.

Appendix A

  1. , A Pahwa . 2021, July 15.
  2. , K T Hanna . 2022, July. (Tech Target)
  3. Retrieved from Wikipedia, 2021. October 05.
  4. , S Patel . 2022. September 28.
Date: 1970-01-01